wishing on stars that have passed

i cannot love you

my mind has secrets like you do not know

and if i tell you them like i told him

i can’t risk letting you go

i cannot love you

i am a dry desert breeze on a cold summer day

your warmth won’t be the same if i stay

i have to leave now so our love won’t get in the way

i cannot love you

what if you don’t understand me

what if you shut the door on me

like how he shoved his smile and his friends in my face

i can’t love you now

not here in this place

i can’t love you in these halls

they remind me of him

i can’t have you call me pretty

cause he never did

i cannot love you

my mind won’t allow it

my heart won’t let me open up again

and my eyes won’t let me look at someone knew

i wish you were him so i could love you

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