A couple's thrilling game of dares escalates, pushing them to increasingly risky and illegal activities.

First Date

It was an amazing first date, at least the start of one. Clive was a handsome charmer, and a bad boy to boot, making Jill effortlessly swoon. Jill was the classy debutant from an affluent family - a good girl with a chic elegant style that tempted Clive’s baser instincts. Opposites do attract, apparently.

The well behaved Jill quickly lost herself to Clive’s seductive adventurous whims. As if losing all inhibition, Jill felt liberated to be…bad! Was this who she really was, Jill wondered, intoxicated in the high of shoplifting some useless junk from a store. Her heart was pounding with excitement, an excitement further stoked by Clive’s beguiling smile.

Clive too, lost himself in Jill’s adorable hearty laugh, she dared him to walk shirtless through the Manhattan street. She relished in the judgmental glances the two received as their respective dares and taunts only escalated to riskier… and more risqué feats.

How did it slip so far away from them! Clive was now covered in blood, the blood of Jill’s unfaithful trustfund ex - as the two ran away from the crime scene.

Was Brad alive? Jill didn’t care! At this moment in time she was fueled by a passion for Clive…and maybe a little bit of cocaine.

It was her turn to do a dare. She secretly hoped for something raunchy. Her whole body aching with desire.

“I dare you to do the same to my ex,” Clive smirked, half expecting Jill to shy away from the ask.

“Where is the bitch!” Jill didn’t want any details, she wholeheartedly accepted the challenge for the fun of it

Passion ran smock is a dangerous thing.

“Care to make it even more dangerous?” Clive took out a switch blade from his pocket.

The two were drunk on lust and passion to think clearly. And soon, Jill too was covered in someone’s blood.

The sirens were approaching as Clive’s ex lay on the ground, stabbed in the heart. Next to her, a man. The couple didn’t know if the man Clive attacked was his ex current lover or just a bystander.

Onlookers watched, horrified, as blood covered Clive and Jill - murderers - celebrated their kills by embracing in unabashed coitus right on the sidewalk by the two fresh corpses.

The growing crowd around them all glued to the bizarre display - capturing it on their phones. Society has indeed rotted away.

The cops finally came to do what the job they were made for.

“Don’t say a word!” Jill yelled at her new lover, “My father will get us out!”

The saddest part of all this…Jill’s father, a big time donor to the political party in charge, will no doubt make any repercussions for this first date go away for good.

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