
Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.


Teetering dangerously on the precipice,

feet frozen solid to the cliff edge,

I look longingly into the abyss.

For there lies, I sense, an intangible depth of understanding,

an indescribable consciousness of self,

only a step away, but still out of touch.

I meditate on a multitude of successes,

accumulated alongside struggles,

as the sand in the hourglass dissipates into emptiness.

On the eve of my time,

an invisible goal that I can sense, but not touch,

begins to appear.

That final moment,

I am set free to leap into the void,

and land safely on the bottom.

I can now touch that which I cannot see,

feel that which I could only sense,

I am, finally, me.

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