Submitted by Nicholas Rock

'A poet is only as good as their definition of poetry.'

Use this quote to inspire a poem in any style.


A poet is only as good

as their definition of poetry

Does poetry make me a poet

or is it the thoughts of others

If i dont like my work

am I truly a poet?

A singer is only as good

as their definition of music

For i could sing all day

but break others ears

Does singing make you a singer

of course not

A mother is only as good

as their definition of love

I could carry you in my womb

but that makes me a mom not a mother

I could love you forever

I would be your mother

A teacher is only as good

as their definition of learning

I could lecture you all day

and you could learn nothing

I could nurture your mind

and teach you everything

You are only as good

as your definition of it

You could be kind

but be brutal

You could be a fighter

But still be a lover

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