Wake up

I woke up to reality,

Or so I thought.

It confused me,

Pushed me away from what I sought.

I woke up,

A false awakening.

Such a horrible act,

Done by a changling.

A soft whisper to my ears,

Words of lies.

Their gentle hands on me,

Telling me not to cry.

Within dreams,

I see the world.

A place of excitement,

An old-world.

I smile and run around,

Looking down to see the wonderful planet beneath my feet.

The people smiles as they surround me,

Then, my heart skipped after a beat.

I woke up,

Gone is my dream.

In the real world,

I awake before a beam.

I run and hide,

Darkness follows behind.

I run faster towards the light,

So close that it makes me blind.

I escape and run,

Watching as the world unfolds around me.

I find myself perched above a cliff,

I was free.

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