You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have five minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

Mirror Mirror On The Wall 

Did you ever wake up in a place where you’ve never been? I opened my eyes to find unfamiliar grounds. Where am I? How did I get here? I turned to my left. I see this man who looked disheveled. He was unshaven, torn clothes with filty nails. He had no shoes on his filthy feet, yet he was picking at his toenails. I wanted to throw up. He kept saying that he was the president of the United States, yet he had a Sesame Street magazine under his arm. The room was dark and dismal, a flickering light above our heads with roaches on the floor, dancing in circles. Where am I , asking myself. The stranger says he is Mr. death. I am here to take you away. The fear in me was exasperating. I didn’t know what to do. There was an old cracked mirror on the wall. I approached the mirror, thinking, maybe I could break it and use it as a weapon. Mr. death says I was brought here to kill you. You are a bad person and you deserve to die. Oh my God I said to myself this guy is totally insane. He tells me to go and look in the mirror. I stood up, and walked towards the mirror. Only to realize ,that Mr. death was me.

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