It’s Love

I watched Reese cradle his head in his hands while we sat on a wooden bench outside of the Spinning Bike saloon.

Fifteen minutes earlier, Reese had stormed into the bar with an unreadable expression on his face. Normally, I would have told him to get a drink and sit at the bar while I worked or to come back after my shift.

But something was off, and even though I was mostly curious about this new expression, I was also concerned. So I told Greul, my greasy boss, that I was headed out for a quick smoke and that I’d be back in twenty. Plus, Purk was kind enough to take over the bar while I was gone.

I met Reese out front and before I could get any words out he plopped onto the bench and grumbled for 5 minutes before he let out an exasperated groan.

“I think about things that shouldnt matter, Isobel.” He finally muttered.

“Like what, Reese?” My voice was soft but it was laced with a tinge of annoyance. He wasnt being clear about anything at all. And I had to get back to work soon.

I checked my watch and glanced at his hunched back. His hair was messy in the best way, like it always is. The familiar oil stains on his shirt were splayed out in plain sight. He must have been working on his mustang again. It was the best way take his mind off things when he was stressed.

“Priya” he whispered.

My shoulders tensed at the mention of her name.

Before I could comment, Reese continued. “I keep thinking about the smallest things. It stresses me out wondering if what I say around her is good enough or if what I am wearing will impress her.” He growled in annoyance before continuing on his rampage.

“And then, not to mention Toby that little shit. She is always talking about him and it annoys the hell out of me so much that it keeps me up at night”. He looks at me with a helpless look in his eyes. “What the hell is wrong with me?”.

A moment of silence passed between us. At that moment I thought of all of the times I wondered if Reese thought my jokes were funny or childish. Or when I always made sure to wear that pink shirt he likes because he once told me it looked ‘cool’.

Or that emptiness that I feel when he mentions Priya on occasion. More than I liked. I bit back my tears because I couldnt let him see me cry. What he didnt know he felt for Priya, I have always felt for him.

“It’s love” I whispered.

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