by Paul Hermann @ Unsplash

Your protagonist lives in this camoflauged fortress. Tell their story.
Our Love is the Fruit That Grows On a Tree
I’ve had quick love
Love that burns as rapid as a hot candle.
No matter how long that candle may shine , it dies in my hands
Leaving only burns.
I haven’t loved slowly.
The type of love who’s punch is delayed.
I wonder what it’s like to know someone before the heart skips.
To know what it is I’m falling for.
Love at first sight is misunderstood.
It’s a fantasy where your head fills in the gap for who they are.
The tree of our friendship bore the fruit of love.
The tree grew slowly
The fruit however…
Slow love.
Would you dance with me ?
You say ya don’t know how to
It’s not about the movements.
I want you close.
Move with me.
Enamorado con tu piel.
Perhaps it is Love at first sight.
Because now the love I have for you
Feels likes it’s always been there.
I don’t know how to look at you anymore
“How do you mean ?”
There’s this version of you that smiles more.
A you that chants along to songs until their lungs give
Then there’s a you who does dance. One who doesn’t worry about being good at it.
I’m a fool and I’m offended.
Foolish on my part for not believing you could get any more intriguing
For believing I have seen all you have of yourself to offer.
The offense is on you
For holding back on me
And I am guilty,
For I did water the tree and hoped it would bear fruit.