Write a story about a wild bachelorette party beginning in media res.
'In media res' refers to starting a story at the chronological middle of the plot. What elements will you need to incorporate to ensure the plot still makes sense?
The bright colorful balloons, swayed to the musical light
This bachelorette chick only party, is happening tonight
The happy wine tasting bride, who will be walking to be
She danced and laughed, and sang her song for you and me
The midnight clock, sang its nightly chimes for the bride
A uninvited female guest arrived, her love she did not hide
This once cheerful female gathering, was getting quite out of hand
The other woman with wild stories and tales, crying across the land
It seemed that the soon to be groom, had something up his sleeve
The buzzed soon to be bride, ran up to her and asked her to leave
She is not marrying my soul mate, she screamed to the ladies now
The sudden knocking of the wooden door, silenced everyone how
Men in blue uniforms, and wearing police looking important hat
Gently one of them escorted her away, giving her a scolding chat
This pre bridal change of event party, turned into just a somber one
Reasons, apologies, a bunch of it was only one drunken party fun