
On stage they all flow so free,its easy,I can see,for everyone…..but me!

I have never been able to flow so easily

I never got the script,or even knew there was one.

I hear the words come out their mouths so confident and assured,their body language matches what they say,expression happening everyday. Life is a stage

Its not so easy for me, I expect I look just like them and I want to sound like them too but all I manage is a sound,just the start of a word that then gets stuck in my mouth refusing to come out. Head down.

I practice when I’m alone but even that doesn’t sound right. Mute is all I’ve ever been made to be. No one is listening anyway.

Life is a rehearsal but you miss it all if you aren’t living right now.

Thank god for daily prompt and written communication, I have time to think and no one cuts me off.

Expression finally. I was made to write. Finally understood.

People communicate in different ways and everyone has something to say.

Listen to the meek,the quiet one who is hard to hear and easy to ignore.

We are all on stage all of the time but not all of us got the script so we learn improv.

Its harder you know,always sensing what is going on around you to try to step into your role.

A long time goal in life,to learn to flow so free,forget about them and you will be free.

You do you and let them be.

You matter no matter how you are unseen.

Love is the only real power and its not a showy thing,its something you can give to yourself.

Just turn away and let the others be

You have your own life to live and a heart that wants to give

You never had anything to worry about anyway

Just drop into you and there is no need to rehearse.

You’ve been through the worst.

Character is not just a person on a stage

Its what you have and what they lack in spades

Not everyone is watching you,just live your life, its valid no matter what your past strife.

Love yourself 💟you matter.

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