
I start to realize, a little too late, it really wasnt all that bad. As the wind assaults my face, not allowing my eyelids to make way, my mind races faster than ever before. I’m just falling. Nothing is holding my being down anymore. There isn’t anything that I long for, no thought to eat my mind away, no farce I wish undone. I haven’t stopped to think in a while about the ceasing of unbearable noise that has been berating the inside of my head. Wow, I really just did that. “Let’s just make the decision, pondering over the matter wont do you any good”, take the step. But it’s really high up from here. The drop to the ground isnt straight down though, it looks as if someone would end up taking a tumble. “You just had to look down didnt you? Would you let fear grasp something as thin as air?” Gazing towards the horizon, butterflies dance around my ribcage, lifting me up towards the grandiose midnight sky, all but concealed behind a mist of clouds; and as all good things come to an end, so does this. I did not notice it past the bleating of my injured head. Walking from the beaten path, a chill runs down my spine, reminding me about my being in reality thus instinctively raising my head to the sky.

“This has been the most enjoyable part of your day.” While my eyes are basically locked ten feet in front of me, my ears comsume the music of the world around me. The rhythym of my footsteps, melody of birdsongs swooshing through the breeze all collide with a golloping stream boiling by my blazing feet. Siddhartha migh’ve said life is suffering but our creators taste in art is truly beautiful. I’ve never wanted to get somewhere faster in my life. “What’s wrong with you? You just need to take a minute to slow down and think.” As I push myself off the ground, a sharp pain shoots up my wrist as I realize my hand is bleeding. My already torn pants weren’t any help either, along with the sneakers that were falling apart before I started jouneying perilously. An instant signal of fear is transferred to my brain as my foot slips out from under me and my arms attempt responding in kind. “Why always me? Of course this would happen to me.” I thought to myself as water soaks though my shoes. I felt like hearing myself speak, so I spoke, “Trying to balance across the beam seemed like a bad idea, but once you’re up here it isn’t too bad” and as if a curse had been spoken into existence, the log snapped over the small creek.

I’ve been tired of suffering, tired of trivial qualms that keep me up at night. Every decision I make seems to be the wrong one. “Our friends invited us out and I just wanted to have a good time, but you can’t even do that without jumping into the deep end everytime the lifeguard leaves.” The clearing disperses behind me as I’m surrounded by trees, for it was only a moment ago that I was there. I already called the proper authorities, though I don’t know how much can be done. The heat behind me reminds me of my charred leg, exposed by the crumpled car door that ripped my pants. “You tried as hard as you could, you can’t save somebody that’s already dead”, I speak aloud to myself as tears run down the sides of my face and drop to the ground.

The call clicks dead end my mind as I see my phone smash into the side of my totalled car. “Please dont do anything crazy” was the last thing that was processed through those next quick few moments. I hobble faster to the vehicle engulfed in an angry tyrant’s fire, leaving a trail of blood behind me. “Wait”. An outline of a car seat is shadowed behind the flame, after a closer look at the backseat window. “What have you done”, gagging on my own words as pivot myself in the opposite direction, kneecaps smacking the ground while vomit explodes from my mouth and onto the asphalt. “I’ve made many mistakes before this one, but I’ll make sure this will be the last.”

A loud ringing and total fear encompassed most of my senses right before I lost consciousness. Before that triumphed a tranquility that gave me reminiscence of my childhood summers. I grew up not trying hard in school, just wanting to pass through, and at a certain point I stopped trying. Gloom fills things up and to stay too long is unattural, so to combat that I took another swig. “Right now there isn’t anything that can stop me, I’m the king of the world”, I screamed out of the window.

“Oh, Life”

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