Midnight Strolls

The drugs were starting to wear off and Ava finally had the strength to life her head. Great, she internally thought. It was just her luck that’d she be the one to get kidnapped on a midnight stroll. She assessed her situation, and came to the conclusion that she was bound and gagged in some type of warehouse. Her wrists where bound with zip ties that dug into her skin, and she was lain on her side, cold concrete digging into her. The gag tasted sickly, of whatever drugs had been used to knock her out. Her assailant was a middle aged man in deep conversation with another, both most likely not suspecting Ava was awake. The pocket of her sweatpants where she would normally keep her phone was empty, but other than that it seemed everything was in order.

She didn’t know what the men wanted from her, and she didn’t plan on waiting to find out. She quietly eased her way up, which proved difficult considering her writs her tied behind her back. She then tucked her knees beneath her, going into a squatting position before standing up.

Unfortunately, no matter how silent Ava was, she couldn’t hid the shadow she now cast on the men, which they noticed immediately. They stood, pointing their guns at her. “Now, dear, I’d still back down if I where you. You’re such a pretty thing, and I’d hate to damage you before we get to play with you.” He exchanged a grin with his partner.

Ava gagged in disgusted. These men had drugged a helpless woman and planned to take advantage of her while she was defenseless. Well, Ava was netheir helpless nor defenseless, but who knows how many women these men had taken before her? “You’re disgusting.” She scoffed.

They laughed. “Hon, I wouldn’t be talking so snarky if I were you. We’ve been taking women outta that alleyway for months, and no ones noticed yet. You’re not special.”

“Now,” said the other “are you gonna sit back down and be patient like a good little toy, or do we have to make this difficult?” He loaded his gun for emphasis.

Oh, Ava knew what she had to do, and she was going to hate every second of it. But these men where greedy, and she knew how to break them. “Oh, I’m sorry sir.” She pouted and made her voice small. Then, she choked on bile as she did this, she pushed out her breasts and tilted her hips. “My legs just hurt so much.” She mumbled, gazing downwards and bringing her gaze exactly where she wanted theirs.

The men exchanged a ravenous look, like hyenas closing in on their pray. “Well, I suppose we can let you stand for a little while.”

“Yeah, I’ll go get more zip-ties.” They grinned as one retreated to a room off to the side and the other closed in on her.

“Well, you’re quite a pretty thing.” He said as he closed in on her. But once he was within a foot of her, she thrust out her knee and nailed him in the groin. He doubled over, crying out in pain. Ava took this as her opportunity to kick him in the head, knowing him out cold.

The second man, hearing the commotion, came running out of the side room. “What-“ but he didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Ava was upon him. She headbutted him, sending him toppling to the ground. He tried to get up, but Ava quickly knocked him out too.

She found a sharp piece of steel protruding from a scrap pile and used it to break the ties on her wrists. There was a faint glow on the floor where the men had been speaking, which turned out to be Ava’s phone. She sprinted into the night, determined to get home in time to feed her dog. Yes, Ava had just been kidnapped and narrowly escaped assault, and her first priority was her dog. There wasn’t a scratch on her, besides a few mark from the zip-ties, so she didn’t see the point in worrying.

Luckily, she made to home in time to her canine companion, who greeted her with many licks. It was until the next morning, when she got into work, that she really started to take revenge. When the two men came looking again for a new victim in the alleyway, they where greeted by a team of seven officers and taken into custody personally by Ava. She supposed that’s what happens when you kidnapped the chief of police.

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