Let Go

Hot tears stained his cheeks as he continued the motion of reaching into his dresser, grabbing a fistful of clothes then shoving them into his duffle.

“Can you just wait a second?” Finn clenched his jaw at the echoing voice from the hallway of their house. Their home. Something that was so sacred to him once upon a time but now, it was stained. Tainted with lies and infidelity.

“Wait- just let me explain.” Nolan rounded the corner now, his large hand wrapped around the doorframe. He hung there for a moment, like a hawk stalking it’s prey from above, waiting for the exact moment he could swoop.

“There’s nothing to explain, Nol. I caught you. In our bed with another man. What more do I need to know?” His voice shook, whether it be with sadness or pure rage, he couldn’t tell. Everything had fallen to pieces, the big crumble of what their life used to be was now waiting to be swept under the rug. He wouldn’t have it. He couldn’t. Not again, not after he’d promised on his hands and knees the last time. The last time. God, he was so stupid for trusting that his cheating husband had changed his ways overnight.


“Don’t.” Finn barked at the sullen man in the doorway, his face looking as though it were melting down his body in sorrow. He felt guilty. Of course he had, but that didn’t change what Nolan had done. No matter how many puppy dog eyes or promises of a better, healthier relationship, there was never an ounce of change. Never an effort put forth, that Finn could see at least. He hadn’t realized that going through the motions made him next to miserable, up until this morning. When it all became too clear.

He’d just arrived home from a flight from Boston, flying through the night and into dawn, the sun just barely peeking its head over the towering buildings when he arrived home. There’d been a gut wrenching feeling bubbling inside of Finn when he popped out from the cab, noticing the faintest light illuminating the upstairs hall. It was odd. Nolan was always a stickler for making sure every light in the house was turned off before, their slumber each night.

The minute the door clicked behind him, footsteps erupted, pattering from left to right paired with hushed whispers. A pair of voices. And now here they were, an hour later in the bright light of day and Finn was done. Finally. With the bullshit. The worrying and the understanding for his partner. He couldn’t continue to nurture something that refused to be fed.

“Please.” Nolan attempted to grab at Finn’s wrist as he shuffled through the slightly closed off doorway, slinging the disorganized bag over his shoulder. He didn’t breathe a word to the unfaithful man until he reached the front door. The one he almost didn’t even dare to enter earlier in the day, but now was pleasantly relieved that he had. Maybe he’d wanted out and this was his way of finally getting it. Breathing and living without the anxiety of the unknown creeping into his mind.

“Can I just say something?!” Nolan’s hand came down heavy onto his bony shoulder. No, he hadn’t earn the right to stop Finn in the middle of his triumphant walk-out, but something pinged so deeply in his heart that he stopped. And waited.

“I love you. I never lied about that. I’ve loved you since we were 17, Finn. Please…don’t do this.”

“I didn’t cause this. You did.” The clunking in his chest from his beaten down heart, quickened, as he grabbed the door hand. The coolness of the brass on his palm felt like it brought clarity with it. This was it. The last moment he’d share with the weeping man before him. The love of his life. Everything hurt and nothing felt safe anymore. But it was something he had to do. He had to free himself from that hold. The hold that love had so graciously blinded him with. It was time to let go.

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