Mr. And Mrs.

This really isn’t your typical love story, or at least the beginning of one that you hear or read about too often. This is a love story born from a place where death resides. But it’s definitely one worth telling.

Welcome to the small town of Windale, where everyone knows everyone. Or at least they think they do. Behind every door is a mystery and every resident has their secrets. But that’s a story for another time. Let’s get back to the unusual love story. But before we meet our two lovebirds, we need to travel just past the edge of town where the old seemingly abandoned graveyard resides.

Years back before Windale grew to what it is today, the old graveyard was just a tiny plot used to bury the founding families and ancestors before our time. Since then a much larger graveyard has been built for future generations. However this original graveyard is still the stomping ground for anyone who wishes to pay their respects to those we’ve lost. Although more often than not it’s been seen as the local haunted hangout thanks to some obnoxious teens.

We begin our love story with a very lonely Christopher Belmont who seems to be taking comfort underneath the crooked tree hidden in the corner of the graveyard. This is where Christopher likes to spend his afternoon time, in a quiet graveyard just past all the tiny hustle and bustle in town. It’s here where Christopher feels more like himself among the dead.

Although he personally knows only one among this graveyard, he feels somewhat connected to them all. He loves to spend almost every day here just relaxing with his thoughts. Every time spent here is an exact repeat of the day before, but Christopher doesn’t mind it all. However on this particular day, our lonely Christopher is met with another on the opposite end of the small graveyard.

In all the times that Christopher has spent his days here this is the first he’s seen anyone else. Let alone someone as beautiful as she was. She was simply breathtaking to Christopher and the way she flowed and glistened underneath the sun, made him feel giddy inside. He decided to make his presence known by clearing his throat loud enough for her to hear across the way.

His plan had worked, she turned to give him a cold hard stare. Christopher recoiled in his corner where his giddiness was soon replaced with guilt. He hadn’t noticed that this beautiful creature was in a deep thought, perhaps praying to whomever the tombstone belonged to. Christopher didn’t think there was anyone as old as him around that possibly knew anyone in this graveyard. As far as he knew, he was the only one. Anyone else he ever came into contact with were either too young or not old enough to remember what this graveyard was like in its prime.

Christopher decided he didn’t want to be more of a bother than he already was, so he decided to cut his visit short. But as he gathered himself to float away, she glided her way over to him. Her name was Sarah Rigby, or at least thats what Christopher remembers Her saying to him. He was completely smitten with her beauty up close, leaving him to hear almost nothing.

She told him of how she had seen him here before underneath the tree and how he always looked so content and at peace. Christopher couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he had an admirer and didn’t even know it.

All those times he thought he was alone, he had no idea this beautiful soul was not that far from view. They instantly had a connection. She had apologized for giving him what she liked to call her “Death Stare”. She was praying to someone she knew that was buried here and didn’t like to be interrupted, hence the stare. Christopher apologized for being so rude and asked if they could meet again tomorrow.

Sarah kindly accepted his request and flew away. Day after day they always met up in the old graveyard and talked about the good old days when they were still alive as humans. They developed a pure relationship and soon went from lonely Christopher Belmont and beautiful soul Sarah Rigby to Mr. and Mrs. .

In life they had their own versions of love with others, in this life they never dreamed they would find love at all. Nevertheless they were both happy to find love again even if it felt different this time around. The graveyard will forever be their home for as long as they like. But if they should choose to find life elsewhere, all they need to do is pick up their black raven feathered wings and fly into the sky among the other human souls hidden within the black raven community. And so these two lived on forever in the afterlife, where their love continues to know no bounds.

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