Two people of extremely disparate age groups observe the same event. How does their age factor into their description of what happened?

Write from both people's perspectives, either interwoven or as two separate sections.

☕️ Coffee ☕️

The old gieser walks into the door led by his tween granddaughter.

She struts up to the counter, quickly reapplying her summer friday lip gloss, before spitting out her order.

“I’d like a carmel macchiato with extra carmel and whipped cream.”

The cashier nods and totals the purchase.

“My name is Nova.”

She says before the cashier asks.

“Ok, and for you sir?”

“Get me a coffee.”

Nova stares at her grandpa.

“You have to specify. What kind of coffee?”

She explains

“I just want a plain coffee.” He says short tempered.

“Ok and for a name?” The cashier asks

“Why do you need my name? Im right here, just fill up the cup and give it to me.”

He demands.

When they leave the counter

Nova whispers,

“that poor cashier, you shouldn’t have been so rude.”

“Your generation is too soft. when will you speak your mind instead of gossiping behind people’s back like children?”

Nova rolls her eyes

And takes a selfie for the insta

The grandpa stares out the window.

The waitress serves the coffee.

They turn their attention

Back to each other.

“How was your day?” Nova asks, changing the topic

“It was good. And yours?” He responds

“It was lovely.”

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