You have been accused of a crime you did not commit. After a strong case against you, it is your last chance to speak to the jury and convince them that you are, in fact, innocent.
Think about the kind of emotive language that might sway people's opinion.
Innocently Vulnerable
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,that is in fact why we are all here, I didn’t want to tell you because of how vulnerable the truth makes me.
I am in fact far from what I have been accused of and at least mentally,these accusations have already put me in a type of prison.
You have all been presented with scenarios today,possible “evidence” to prove my worth and my “guilt” but I tell you,the things that have been said in this room today are not evidence but speculation,opinion,I am not guilty!
I was hoping things wouldn’t get this far because I did not want to reveal my truth,
As you all know I have been accused of the crime of whoring but what you don’t know is ……..
(Silent pause) she puts her head down,not wanting to reveal her truth to a room full of strangers
Quietly spoken she says ‘I am actually a virgin’
A hush travels through the room followed by the deafening silence she never wanted to hear,in this moment her heart is racing,palms are sweaty and she feels distant,like she is miles away from here.
In this court room full of strangers who have been asked to decide if she is worthy of freedom or deserving of imprisonment she has been forced to reveal her deepest secret and vulnerability and stand alone feeling naked in front of the crowd.
Little whispers start to travel amongst the jury.
The girl has nothing more to say and just stands there frozen to the spot where she was made to let go of her fear of judgment from others and speak her truth,she doesn’t realise it yet but she gained much more than her physical freedom in this moment.
She took back her personal power because she stopped letting the opinion of others be what ruled her life.
Life was different on the other side,after silence fell upon the court room the judge called a recess and a dr was called in to examine the girl,she was telling the truth and was allowed to walk free.
What she didn’t realise while standing in that room was that she had gained genuine freedom,freedom from the fears in her mind that had been put there by the judgemental nature of society and the fact that a lot of insecure people are in positions of power,whether they be official or a social hierarchy.
That girl proclaimed her innocence and owned who she is and this is true power and nobody can ever take it from her.