Tell Me

“Tell me, what did I do wrong?”

“You know what happened,

you know why everyone’s gone.”

“Oh? So it’s my fault your soul is blackened?”

“That’s not what I meant!

You held the keys to her heart,

and you broke it to the extent!”

“I want to restart.”

“Tell me why you did it.”

“You want honesty?

I admit,

I did it for modesty.”

“What does that mean?”

“I didn’t want to be with someone so great.”

“She’s great? How unforeseen!”

“Let me get my story straight!

“I loved that woman.

She had my heart,

but I can never been a good man,

not even in part.”

“You can’t love a woman you break

and shatter!”

“This is much too late,

but, in my life, she really matters.”

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