_(Open scene with Hollow sketching in her bedroom.)_
**_Hollow_**: Nya! Dang—I gotta stop doing that.
_(Air Strike (11) enters, their baby brother—who we’ll call Holy Saint (2)—walks in behind him.)_
**_Holy Saint_**: Hewo, Hollow, how are you doing?
_(Hollow smiles, ignoring Air Strike and helping Holy Saint onto her bed, not forgetting to close her sketchbook for protection against the toddler)_ **_Hollow_**: I’m doing fine, Bean, how are you?
**_Holy Saint_**: I’m good. _(He points to her newest stuffed toy that she got for Christmas) _Taco, please?
_(Hollow hands Holy Saint her taco plush, then turns to Air Strike, narrowing her eyes)_ **_Hollow_**: What do you want?
**_Air Strike_**: Come on! How do you know I came here for something.
_(Hollow blinks slowly)_
**_Air Strike_**: Okay. Okay. I need a pencil.
**_Hollow_**: Will you bring it back?
**_Air Strike_**: ….
**_Hollow_**: No.
**_Air Strike_**: Wait! You didn’t let me answer!
_(Open scene at lunch)_
**_Diva_**: So, how was everyone’s break?
**_Emo_**: Eh.
**_Honey Bear_**: We stayed with my dad’s fiancé’s grandpa._ (She shivers) _There was no source of technology in that whole house.
**_Hollow_**: I went to a funeral.
(Dive, Emo, and Honey Bear turn to her, those looks in their eyes.)
**_Hollow_**: It was my great-great step-grandmother; I hardly knew her.
**_Diva_**: It’s still a death, Hollow, how are you like this?
_(Hollow shrugs)_ **_Hollow_**: Death doesn’t bother me. Everyone dies.
**_Emo_**: True that.
**_Hollow_**: Did you just agree with me?
_(The table is quiet)_
**_Emo_**: No, bitch. Yes, I did._ (She points at Diva and Honey Bear) _You two shut up!
_(Back at Hollow’s Home)_
**_Pigtails_**: BUT I WANT IT!
_(Hollow and Pigtails are currently arguing over the last bagel. Air Strike is watching the proceedings while eating the chicken pie he microwaved.)_
(Air Strike raises his hands in peace) **_Air Strike_**: I’m _not_ involved with this.
**_Hollow, Pigtails_**: NOOOOO!!
**_Air Strike_**, (and **_Holy Saint_** who has somehow wandered in the kitchen unnoticed): YESS!
_(Hollow, Pigtails, Air Strike, and Holy Saint continue to scream. No doubt the neighbors hear them; the walls are thin. Mum sighs, putting her head in her hands before continuing her work.)_
**_Mum_**: Why did I have four kids? _(She looks down at her skinny body)_ _How_ did I have four kids?
_(Open scene at Lunch)_
_(Hollow, Diva, and Honey Bear are talking to two boys behind them. Emo is on her phone. We’ll call one boy Baseball Hat, and the other Nice Guy.)_
**_Baseball Hat_**: _No_, I do not lick children. You _misheard_ what I said, _Hollow_.
**_Hollow, Diva, Honey Bear_**: We all heard you say that you lick children, man.
**_Diva_**: And you said that you bang guys.
**_Baseball Hat_**: I do NOT bang guys. I am a fully straight man—I’ve gone hard from titties.
**_Hollow, Honey Bear_**: WHAAAA—
_(Nice Guy looks up from his lunch and his phone, peeved that this conversation is even happening.) _**_Nice Guy_**: Baseball Hat, shut up before you make this worse. Do you have evidence that he said any of this, Diva?
**_Diva_**: Nooo….
**_Nice Guy_**: Then the victim is proven innocent.
**_Honey Bear_**: The victim did say he licks children, though.
_(Baseball Hat flushes red.)_ **_Baseball Hat_**: No I did NOOOOT!