The head detective is retiring after fifty years of success – but they treat everything like a case to be solved.
Write a short story about the detective’s co-workers attempting to throw them a retirement party.
Sandy Toes
‘Hey, Joe can you put me down, for 2, for next Tuesday. The misses, might go with me. She likes to get dolled up,
And charm the Sox off of the crowd’. This little get together, is a master plan, of our bosses secretary, Julie. She
Runs the show and keeps him in line.
Well, he, Sam the boss, had decided, to give up the boots, and badge in trade, of retirement. He gave them, 32 long,
hard years of his rugged life. He wanted to spend, his last long days, not working on the railroad, but to soak his toes on
Tropical beaches. A good book, doesn’t sound to bad, he thought, as he stared into his cold coffee cup, for some
Answers. ‘The countdown begins, he said out loud, to no one in particular, as he sat alone, with his distant thoughts.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the work gang, was preparing a surprise, for Mr. Sam. It was to be held, far away, from
The job, and only certain, kinds of people would attend. Each co worker, was to be given, a silver tag, with a number
Carved in the plate. 1 thru 10 was the range, of the numbers, as the selected, 10 showed up.
Their plan, was to decorate, this room, to look like a tropical beach, with sand, salt water and room for many toes to
Sink into. Sweet tropical, music flowed thru the speakers, with the softest, of sounds, for all to enjoy. It was turning,
Into quite the scene, as everyone arrived.
The numbers were called, and each worker, attendee, was assigned to set up the chores. ‘Whispers, were heard,
From the mouths of some, about would, he find out?’ ‘Someone will tell, as they nodded in agreement, as the rumors,
Flew like the hands, of work.
Sam, was still at work, busy making phone calls, to each employee, but no rings, were answered’ ‘are they all right,
He asked himself’ as his heart rate began to rise up, with worry. ‘This is not like them to ignore, my calls’, and it seems,
That he couldn’t even leave a message.
I know what they are doing, as they, didn’t realize, that he has trackers, put in their workers, I D badge. He grinned
A wide smile ,as he quickly turned, on the computer, specially made for those badges. As he began, to view the,
Employees, he realized, what they were up to. He turned the computer off, as he sat back, in his chair and took
A short, nap before they came, to call for him. He drifted off, dreaming of his tired toes in the soft, granular sand.
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