Photo by m wrona on Unsplash

Write a story or poem set here
A light at the end of the world
It was quiet. And dark.
I was exhausted. Just so -
- tired.
Staring out the window, looking at the trees, hidden in the mist. Only silhouettes of naked arms in a dark, empty forest.
My eyes were burning. But I kept on looking.
I had to.
Although, there was nothing to see.
No one but me. Only trees for miles and the mist that made my skin feel like tiny bugs were walking on me.
I yawned. I was just so tired.
Sleep. Needed sleep.
But I couldn‘t. Not yet.
She wasn‘t here yet.
I kept on staring out the window, biting my fingernails and leaning back in the chair.
This was important. I had to wait for her.
I needed to know if she made it.
Because if she hadn‘t and I fell asleep -
- I would never see her again.
And our last conversation would stay an angry one.
My eyes were getting heavier with every minute.
"Don‘t." I whispered to myself, hoping that the sound of my own voice would keep me awake. "I can‘t. Not now."
It was silent again. No noise. Everything was so quiet.
As if the world had stopped and every life with it.
And wasn‘t that true?
I blinked and stared at a point in the sky where a light had suddenly appeared.
"You made it...?" I whispered. My hands started shaking as the light grew bigger and flew towards the ground, right in front of the house.
There she was.
Just as beautiful and strong as the day she left.
She smiled, nodded. And I started crying because she made it and everything would be better from now on.
The world was saved.