Humans traditionally have five main senses: create a new one.

You could draw inspiration from the senses of other animals or plants and describe how it would feel for humans, or you could invent a completely new sense!

Voids Traditionally Void Themselves…

Unruly tulips grow from my heart. The unconscious trauma of a love being ripped apart...

I tried to block it out, that ungodly sound of night. But it crept up my spine anyway. Freeze framing time in my unkempt dreams. Faded, as the poetry settled upon my tongue. Evolving passions from the canvas of my crooked hands. Oh, rid me of daylight's folly. Mock my visions, my reality. Grit and crawl until my bloods come undone. Crazy, chasing nightmares around my pillows. I tried to runaway. To keep the night from corroding my skin. But it swallowed my shadow in millions of bundled tears...


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