Submitted by The Astonomer

Write a single scene about a chase.

It could be high speed, a car chase, someone on the run, anything you associate with a chase.


I ran down the dark alleyway, not slowing down despite almost falling over. My lungs screamed in protest and I was sure that my legs were going to fall off any second now. But I kept running. Stopping would be far worse than not. “Get back here Guardian Walker!” I hear a voice from behind me. Like hell I’m going to stop, but I couldn’t run forever. I gripped my black bag, it’s now or never. I stopped and grabbed one of the milky white crystals from my bag and held it in front of me. It glowed faintly in the dark, almost stealing the shadows from around it. The guards slowed down in front of me, staring at the crystal in my hand. “Solara. You have no idea what you’re messing with.” One of the guards chided, “As a guardian of your kingdom you must know what you’re doing is forbidden.” I hardly payed him any attention. His words drowning in the whispers the crystals were telling me. That I should kill him. Take his power. Wreck havoc on this kingdom and become its queen. I inwardly promised that that would be fulfilled. But good things come to those who wait. “As guardian of my kingdom I must do what it takes to keep it safe. Alaria will be safe once I am it’s sole ruler.” I said while almost caressing the crystal. The guards exchanged weary looks. Almost looking concerned for my wellbeing. A guard on my right took a step towards me, “My guardian the crystals tell you whispers yes?” I nodded slowly, “They tell me of my fate. Of the power that I can hold if I just… listen.” I sigh. “You know not what you do Solara! The crystals lie. It will be your damnation if you listen.” I glared at the guard. I know that I once knew his name. But I do not anymore. He is only a person who stood in my way of power. “Kill them all…” the crystal murmured in my ear. I pointed the crystal towards the guards and started muttering under my breath. A powerful spell to unleash the most unknown horrors against them. The guard that was speaking to me started screaming in agony. Itching and scratching at his clothes as if they turned to liquid fire on his skin. The rest followed shortly after and… oh how I loved their screams. How they would shout for mercy and help. Telling me I know not what I do. Oh how I loved the smell of their blood boiling beneath their skin. The ecstasy when they dropped to the floor and stopped moving. I stared at the bodies before me, tears springing to my eyes. But then the crystal glowed a little brighter. As if reminding me on my journey. I set the crystal down in my bag with its sisters. All of them muttering how good I did. That their proud of me. That would be a first. No one has ever been proud of me. But they have. Ever since I first heard their voices. They are my family and I, their trusted and loyal protector. The skin on my forearm started to burn with the fire of hell and I look to see what it is. I almost gasped out loud when I saw what was etched into my skin. Names. Lora. Eli. Liam. Shannon. Each one engraved into my skin in a swirly font. I glanced to the guards to see their badges. Each sporting the same names now on my very skin. “You may never forget what you have done to rise to power…” The familiar voices of the crystals muttered into my ear. I gritted my teeth and turned around. Ready to face my destiny at any cost.
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