The Fortress

The heavy iron door screatched open, and a metal tray slid across the dirty floor towards her.

She made a mental note. 8.15 am. At least they were consistent. Just a few more days until she would make her escape.

Until then… Ugh. She chewed on the dry bread roll which rattled around the tray.

A sharp noise vibrated through the fortress. 9am. The changing of the guards. She hated those lava-eyed dragons, with their razor sharp talons. She thought back to their capture, shuddering. She would need to plan a funeral when she made it out. If she made it.

Today she plotted her escape route. Left, right at the end of the corridor, down the stairs, through the basement, and out of the window. Then, run.

Weapons? Check. Well, if a whittled down bone she found in yesterday's dinner counted.

Water? Che--- BANG.

A loud explosion. Smoke. Dust. Shouting. Light where the ceiling had just been moments before.

She heard the beating of a dragon’s wings. Her heart her chest.

" Jump on NOW! ". She squinted through the Debra’s at a figureatop a lava-eyed beast?

Could that really be... Her?

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