
I don’t remember who I am. I have dreams of being dragged out of bed into the blistering snow.

I barely remember what I am. Warm and cold bodies alike around me barely stirring as I was shoved out of my dorm. Am I a monster?

I see my arms and hands but only just. They have been growing ever-more translucent as the time passes. Minutes, hours, days, months? I cannot remember when I last had a concept of time.

What I feel is pain. Constant biting pain coursing through my disintegrating body as parts of me fade while others elongated and distorted. I have claws instead of nails. I have teeth again where before I had none. I have eyes all around my face like a spider.

What I feel is a constant hunger, fostering in me like a vat being filled with liquid.

Who I remember is that woman outside my home tapping on her machine is my sister. And she is the one who brought me here. She is the one who betrayed me.

All I know, is that I must escape.
