Write a poem continuing or responding to a poem of your choice.

You can either pick a famous poem or a poem you’ve written yourself to write a sequel/response to.

Wedding Ring

I got my tarot read today

I’ve been told

That I’ve healed

But why does that seem to lie

So I walked home alone

And relived the memories we used have

Walking down the street

Kissing in the parking lot

Dates in the local cafe

Dancing in the record store

Looking at the pictures

On the wall

Us holding hands

Us getting married

Us in France

Us learning a new hobby

I can still feel it now

Dancing in the kitchen

Chasing me around the floor

Tackling me on the couch

Watching horror movies on Sundays

Hoping you’ll hold me in your arms

When I got scared

Playing board games in thunderstorms

Laughing about how we guessed wrong

I can feel it now

I still love you

But I need to get over you

But I still wear my wedding ring

And you were buried with yours

It’s about time I lay us to rest

I’m sorry but I can’t be getting older

While you’re still in your youth

I just can’t your love of your life forever

I’ll find another

I will always remember my first wife

My first love

High school sweethearts

Now you broke me apart


This is a continuation of my poem “your sweater” have a good night

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