Family Secrets

Drew was devastated when his parents died; on the outside. But on the inside, all he could think about was whether or not he would end up with his uncle Victor. They’d only met a handful of times, but Drew was always intrigued by Victor. He was the weirdo of the family and no one knew everything about him. Nobody shares everything with their family, but Victor always acted abnormally secretive.

Eventually Drew was told that he had to move to his uncle’s house on the country. As annoyed and nervous as he was, he was excited to see where this crazy person lived. His uncle greeted him with a smile, leading him casually through his home. Drew took in the wonders on the house. There were giant plants everywhere, some had vines growing up and down the walls. Drew let his eyes guide him up the walls, where he saw little paintings of forest, lakes and sky. There were rows and rows of flowers painted on each door, and city lights and skyscrapers around the windowsills. He thought everything looked really, really cool. His uncle showed him where to find the bathroom

and kitchen, then left him to explore.

He first decided to go outside. His uncle’s property extended for miles. He was glad he had a bike to ride around. On his journey, he was able to find a small pond, where he decided to take a dip. It was an especially sunny day, in more than one sense. Not only was the weather nice, but his life was looking brighter and brighter. It might’ve sounded bad to everyone else, but his parent’s death was the best thing that ever happened to him.

That first night, Drew awoke very late. He couldn’t fall back asleep, and was awake until he could see the tip of the sun poke up in the East. He got up and of bed and headed downstairs. He went out on the porch to watch the sunrise, but he noticed a shadow behind him. It was his uncle, covered in blood. Drew was terrified. His uncle carried the head of his mother. Finally, Drew understood what had happened to them. It took a minute to realize why this was happening, but he knew for sure that he was happier with his uncle than he’d ever been with his parents. No matter how many secrets his uncle had, he knew it was for the best. Drew smiled softly at his uncle, as he smiled back.

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