Awakening Of A God

I felt it spark for the first time, in what I believed to be my chest

Like a flame warming my ribs and settling in my breast

‘Belief’ was the word that echoed without sound in my skull

I was born from the words of mankind and their unfathomable will

I clawed my way up through the dirt, tore up mountains with my birth

With me, the fluid that nourished me flowed out and scorched the Earth

I laid there, in the barren islands I created, in earth and destruction

And like a siphon, I heard the prayers of humans

I learned I was awakened for a purpose, my body, the soil of the planet

Was dying, drying, starving. I was wakened by the upset

People suffering at the hands of their peers, their survival’s greatest threat

My flame for them burned, my life was the payment for their debt

And I, born from the granite, do not easily forget.

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