The Day The World Was Slightly Off

On awakening today I noticed the world was just slightly off

As if everything was on tilt

I felt odd and uncomfortable and clumsy

The world was just slightly off

As if everyone was on a designer drug

Except for me

They seemed to talk in riddles and rymes

The world is just slightly off

As if nobody understood me

They just didn’t get it

I was alone with my thoughts of abandonment

The world is just slightly off

As if all the floors were warped and I couldn’t get my balance

And then something unexpected happened

I let go of the past and went with it

The world is just slightly off

But these women were dancing

They were laughing and carrying on

I joined them

On the day the world is slightly off

I felt carefree and curious

As if a child i frolicked and swayed

I became me as a young girl

On the day the world is slightly off a group of five identical women approached me

Laughing for this was a day the world aligned with fairies, nymphs and magicians

A day for transformation and change

On the day the world was slightly off

I could not understand their language

But it mattered not

As if I could feel what they were trying to tell me

On the day the world was slightly off

They encircled me

And took out a beautiful shawl

And wrapped me tightly in it

On the day the world was slightly off

It made no sense

But they picked me up and tossed me into a large can

All that remained in this world were my favorite old tennis shoes peeking over the side of the can I was upside down

On the day the world was slightly off

I heard a single voice laughing

It was my sister Mary

In near hysterics she had been trying to wake me.

It was then I had left the world that was slightly off

Everything was as I left it

Tidy, uneventful and boring

I longed for the world that was slightly off

For I was slightly off too….

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