
“I won!…No way!” said Stacey as she stepped away from the counter with her phone and sat down. “What did I win?”

“An all included vacation to the Bermuda Islands,” said the voice.

“How did I win that?” asked Stacey.

“Remember when you put your name and address down on papers at the 4-H fair? We had a vacation drawing from all the entries and you won!” said the voice from the hot tub store.

“What’s the catch?” asked Stacey.

“Catch? No catch!” said the voice hesitantly. “We’d like to know which hot tub you’d like to buy then you win the prize.”

“See there is a catch… I need to purchase a hot tub first,” said Stacey.

“That’s going to happen anyway, right?” said the salesman.

“Not necessarily and….. No I’m not going to purchase a hot tub from your company,” said Stacey as she hung up the phone.

Those salesman alway trying to get you with a catch. I knew I shouldn’t have filled out the paperwork in the commercial building at the fair. I have to remind myself of this next year.

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