Submitetd by Jewelie Rain
“I want to be complete, not perfect.”
Write a story which ends with this line.
A Secret
I tighten my armor as I again face the blue dragon, its amber eyes glaring at me.
“I will ride you!” I shout, wiping the mud from my pants.
“Have you tried asking?” The dragon growls.
I slack my arms, a bit embarrassed that the thought hadn’t occurred.
“May I please ride you…uh what’s your name?” I say, gently.
“Seraphine, and I’ll allow you a ride if you tell me your secret,” she whispers, her eyes suddenly intrigued by me.
She walks closer, her long talons gripping the mud beneath her. “I know you hold a secret, one that holds you down. I can smell it.”
I gulp.
Do I really need to explain myself to a dragon?
“Yes, you do,” Seraphine says, her voice thundering in my head.
I sigh.
I walk reluctantly to a nearby rock and seat myself. Seraphine lies beside me, awaiting my story.
“The one person I loved with my whole heart died a month ago. He was killed. Ever since, a gapping hole lies in my heart. I tried filling it with everything…nothing soothes the pain.”
Tears prickle at my eyes. “I just want to be complete, not perfect. I just want that hole to seal so I can have a heart again.”
Seraphine looks at me with a hint of sorrow.
“I too lost my companion. But I think I know how to heal. You may ride me, Celia, but in return I desire your friendship.”
I bow my head before her. “You may take anyhting, friend.”
We rocket into the sky, Seraphine’s blue wings beating against the wind. I let out a loose cry and we sail over mountains and trees.
Friends we became.