What kind of dream is this one,
to wake me up in the middle
of the blooming field?
I am a little girl again, today,
with long, blond curls and
emerald big eyes,
with a strawberry dress
and a home.
What kind of dream is this one,
to run barefoot to nowhere,
chasing imaginary lights?
I found the key again, today,
was in my pocket, next to
the cherry gummy bears,
that dad gave me,
in secret.
What kind of dream is this one,
where everything is gone
and everyone are lost?
The lock is high, but I can reach it!
I smell the cookies from inside, I hear
my mom and dad - true pranksters!-
hiding my presents, that’s why
is locked.
(is it my birthday? I forgot…)
What kind of dream is this one,
the key they’d given me still fits the lock
but the house no longer feels like home?
I guess I’m gonna leave again, today,
they hid so well, I cannot find them!
or, maybe I am much too insignificant
or much too small, for them to
find me.
What kind of dream is this one?
Mom, dad, where are you?
It’s been too long,
Please come back!