Write a poem based around the theme of Shattered Trust.
Liar Liar
You said you truly loved me
Not for my money but that’s
Just the world we live in why
Do I keep on forgetting that
You just a liar liar pants on
Fire I think if you want to get
With me you should be a fire
Man man or better yet stop
Trying cause everyone knows
Your a liar liar pants on fire
How could I forget all of my
Your just a liar liar pants on fire
Maybe you should try tomorrow
Or the next or the next or the
Next day maybe I’ll be good
Till then if your not a liar liar pants
On fire should of known you weren’t
Made for me oh you were made
For someone else who is also a
Liar liar pants on fire oh oh oh
Can’t believe I fell in love with
A dweeb who thinks he could
Fall in love with me just for the
I guess your just a liar liar pants
On fire you should try again we’ll
Maybe never maybe I’ll be good
Maybe I’ll be bad I’ll just be glad
I did ent fall for a liar liar pants on
Fire I wish I still could dump a
Liar liar pants on fire I command
Some respect for me never you
You liar liar pants on fire wish I
Could wipe my mind to forget
You you bogus liar you bogus cheat
Who did it for the money not
For the honey behind all the money
Behind the gold I am bold and courageous
So watch out you liar liar pants on
Fire why would I ever even date
Ya I guess I was being a idiot
You never did for me you did it
For the money the fame the
Fortune well I can see your
Fortune it says liar liar pants on
Fire you should never try her
Again in less you want this again
Everyone knows your just a liar
Liar pants on fire wish I never
Tried ya.