Apparently I don’t try hard as you I’m just Not good enough for you they tell your that your Pretty and you get onto all the teams I guess you Don’t know what’s it like to try cause it’s just as Easy as pie cause your just the favourite it makes Me feel like I shouldn’t try your just going to drive Ahead and I’m just going to end up crying in my bed Again and again but if I could on all the teams and so Damn pretty I wouldn’t cause Ei like bieng me I got All my friends and that’s all I need to thrive all I need to Try if you get vip tickets every time you open your pricy Mouth right I’ll fight go the African spirit all I need for it You can be a little fragile girl you just twirl and twirl and if you hert your pinky you emediatlty need an ambulance just Drive away and stay there you little vip you little princess I’ve always been just as good as you man if you weren’t a little Fragile girl I’d slap you and you’d twirl and twirl into your own world When I hang around you all the popular kids man your idiots you Think singing is funny oh honey you need a lot of work on that ‘Brain’ if you think I like you you pricy well I’m just here Laughing cause you think your funny no your idiotic is funny If you think I every liked you I’d slap you
Qualities:I’m nice I can push people if there scared I’ve been here long I’ve seen other people head of house and I know how to act I love to make people laugh if there don’t and can be a nice friend I’m helpful and I love bieng with all my vents and would love to be house
School experience:I’ve been here long I know nearly everyone and love my little vents family I’ve always wanted to be head all the other head of vents seemed so cool I was inspired and that’s why I’m staying to get this position
Outside experience: outside of school I have been netball captain and I have made so many friends outside of school so quickly I’ve also learned to have more courage and confidence and would love to be house captain
Ideas:I think we should bring some more house activities for the whole school we could bring back the crystal maze and do one where we move around we do a small hockey match to a small netball match and a small cricket match and so on but we put on a team 1 person on a team is from a different year
You come to my house at 8 for a date You scream and shout I ask what it’s About you freak out cause I’m not pretty I don’t wear the short skirts I’m not pretty Cause I don’t have a curler I’m not pretty Cause I come out in my rugby shirt not a skirt I don’t mascara cause all the people just scar Me I don’t have it bro I just have sol de ja Rio Oh i thought you were mine we were so divine Just texting you ask change from jeans to a dress No I like how I dress but I think I look pretty cool And I’ll one day show you and I’ll. ask you drool
Look at all the others drop they think I’m cool I don’t need you I don’t want you I don’t want All the work you jerk I don’t need the hairdresser Every day I don’t need the makeup everyday just To make you happy with me go cry in ya pillow Cause you’ll realise when boys are at my door You wish you dident slam my face in it your going To regret it and not when I get ‘‘pretty’’ done with you You you
Your going to wish on a star that you dident throw me Away oh I wish you never came you never had any game So don’t come back or I think I’ll strat Smacking so don’t come back when I get ‘’pretty’!
Everyone‘s just jumping on my history train Even if they don’t want to know my past pain Walst there still taping on the window pain Everyone‘s just putting shame on my name Well you need to know my name before you Start putting me to shame I dident ask you to Know me I dident beg on your front step unlike Some people I see you every night wanting to Put up a fight even though every time I know I‘m right every ones just chanting fight fight Fight I know right I dident want to put up a fight Your just trying to make drama cause your Unpopular and I’m not I’m just hot woah why Are you trying so hard your not going to Blow me away whoah your just saying i‘m Strange cause I changed from likening you
To makeing you eat my words plus by the Way your talking bout myths all the time I hear You ringing my ear talking myths like boy sports Like football rugby boxing and even more that I Watch on the to I hear your myths ringing in my ears Talking about how no one is even your just Trying to to fit in well guess what I’m fed up With boy sports I’ve finally hit the naughts with Your stupid boy sports what you think cause you Have short hair taller and different gender that we Can only do what you say hey I dident ask it to be This way through me out there and I swear I‘ll Play I beleieve in Aliens in her spaceships and Bigfoot Hideing in the woods myths but I don’t belevieve you And I never will you try again and I’ll go out for the Kill then I’ll need to take a chill pill
Like you can say something you can’t think of nothing Else part from your self man that’s serious bad for Your mental health plus your self I watched you Try to play netball it’s like a horror movie in the makeing And mate I’m taken you be careful or I’ll rip of your skin And then you don’t need to go vegan and I’ll rip out Your throat let’s take a vote so you can’t talk about myths I‘ve hit my Stifts and you’ll never get a kiss now I’m done Hun but keep my warning p.s if I ever played rugby I’d Bite of your ear in the skrum
It’s not looking a lot like Christmas maybe Because your not letting it in there is Christmas Spirit all around you but you won’t know it If you don’t let it in let it in and you’ll know that This is what you do
You snuggle up with friends and family listen to The Christmas carols and maybe even sing one Yourself go under neath the Christmas tree shake the Presents with glee oh wonder what Saint Nick Brought me hope it was those sweat new kicks
It’s still not looking a lot like Christmas maybe because Your not letting it in there is Christmas spirit all around You but you won’t know it if you don’t let it in And you’ll know that this is what you do
You open up the advent calendar see what nice treat You earned see what your naughty elf on the shelf Did uh oh he’s in my boot now you may think it’s Enough Christmas but let me remind you Christmas Is all around you so guess what the list goes On and on
it’s still not looking a lot like Christmas Maybe because your not letting it in there is Christmas spirit all around you but you Won’t know it if you don’t let it in and you’ll Know that this Is what you do (what you do)
You count down the days from Christmas see All the pretty Christmas lights cook the Christmas Cookies for Saint Nick on the right night Watching Christmas movies from Christmas Long ago and right that letter to Saint Nick Hope i’m not to late hope he did’t already Hop in his slay
It’s still not looking a lot like Christmas Maybe because your not letting it in there is Christmas spirit all around you but you won’t Know it if you don’t let it in and you’ll Know that this is what you do (oh what you do)
Build old fashioned ginger bread houses put The star on the Christmas tree stay to See Santa eating a cookie hear the reindeer Chomping on the sweet carrots and having the Christmas Meal on Christmas morning
Now it’s looking a lot like Christmas that’s Now your letting it in there is Christmas spirit All around you including Now this what you Do you spread Christmas spirit for people That were like you.
I was sitting on my bed this morning Lookin out the window say rain drizzling Down when I said I‘m leaving at last Hope I don’t blast I’m going to go goin To go out the window I’ll go through Stormy weather just to meat just to Meat you in late December and I will Always remover oh woah woah oh I can see your rainbow going over my heart At lighting speed riding my trusty stead Don’t worry I’ll be there in a hurry I’ll Go in late in late in late december I’ll Hold your hand in late December I’ll Stand with you in late December just Remember put it on your calendar comin Out out of the shadows to the widows
Don’t forgot mark it down next to your Bed don’t forget I’ll stay here don’t ever Fear stay there I will be there for forever Never forgetting it’s only January don’t worry On that day on that special day I’ll drive in on My jaguar full speed in late December I won’t Go go in the snow snow until we need to go go Go go woah go go go go I’m sitting here on my Bed Wunderdinges Til Winter I’ll be sitting here No fear don’t lay a tear I’ll be here I’ll come through The light burst through your door like never before I‘ll just I’ll just I’ll just come hun never never never Worry we’re not in a hurry I‘ll be standing at your Door in late late late late December put it on your calendar I‘ll be here no fear just remember me don’t ever ever Ever worry I’ll be in late December
I tumbled down a hill to you I felt Love next to the willow tree is were I felt love first time in a long time I’d Never felt that way since someone Made my heart tumble into a ditch All I felt was a tumble tumble rumble Rumble tumble tumble rumble rumble You made my heart go tumble tumble Rumble rumble woah I felt love with you I looked into your glossy eyes and I Realised I want to tumble into life with You I want to tumble into love with you But then you were a trip and fail i wanna Tumble on your heart like you did mind I wanna crumble it into a little bit of Paper you were my 2nd but last I Asked the wishing glass
You were never mine and never should But you should have just said no so I wouödent tumble down a hole now Cause of you I feel like a crap all Crap you never me always you I should’ve Seen you are the worst you make me Want to burst into flames babe I thought You were really the one to step apon My heart but you tried on it and that really heart Why would I try to go down a hill why did I think I Wasens I just got lost from your eyes but Now I realise I wanna sent you amilion miles Away just gonna say why were you ever Here in the first place mow I feel a tumble tumble Rumble rumble you make the ground shake Shake shake and that makes my heart Break break break and that is NOT OK
You are worst than every one wish I could tumble Into time and reverse this twine all I feel is Deep deep sorrow for your next why would I Try well we’ll we’ll goodbye
In the world when your scared and Alone everybody’s stolen your throne You have enough one to turn to its Dark and lonely and your slowly dieing In your heart there’s a devil in a cage Trying to cut the corners always felling Low down in your tombe no one comes To visit you get so desperate you‘d even Want your worst enemy there just to Stare at you feel unwanted sucked of Such great happiness your sad no escape You try but you Fall your with sadness in A cage the walls closing on your heart Break no even try’s to help you if you could No one wants to hear you your just an ear Worm crawling up there throat and drowning Them what if I told dident have tho be that Way just saying just sayin
I had some friends some stayed most left Dident pa there der for friends some of them Evil all of my friend kinda and All of them were the same sort of happy Way but there’s one that never made and I’m happy to call her my best friend she Made me laugh when I cried she know If I would ever hide she never let me go I had friends in high places but she was Sertenly the only one that truly knew me She never let me go and I never let her Go and I’m happy to call her my best friend She knew me we bonded over arry potter Thanks j.k for writing it she’s the reason We noticed each other she’s really sensitive But no one’s truly like her she is better than Poccaso bit iratating though at art we wrote a series together We never let go even in deep December How is she so amazing she’s just one person And that’s her she is amazing I’d never met Someone like her she knows me better Than I know myself and that is a lot of effort
There’s only one of her and I’m so lucky I got To know her we different she likes football I like rugby but that’s truly how we bonded how Could one person be so amazing and how could I Be so super lucky some of my friends tried to copy Be ya they were popular (spoken) my bestie stars With a c and ends in a y why am I telling you If you ever sad and not very glad just call be later I‘ll come asap don‘t worry cause you have me and I‘m happy to call you my freinds
You know they say a chain is only As strong as it’s weakest link but In this case I was stronger than you Ever were before I thought you were Smart enough not to walk outta That door but now I’m in chains to The floor I’m in chains to your heart break Trying to ment it but I don’t have no More chains I’m stuck to the floor Trying to fly sky high to you maybe You should be in chains you were The one that made my heart break Heart break now I’m stuck with Chains
To the floor still stronger than you You got outta that door like nobody’s Done before I should put chains on the Door but I’m stuck in a cage of chains Tryin to climb my way out out out you Should be in chains now there’s an Change why did I ever get linked with you You you made the chain to my heart And now my hearts made of rock So no one can ever put me on chains Never ever I wish I could go back In time and stop you from chains On my heart breal oh why oh why I never should have met you why did I Say to you now I’m on chains can’t Escape the madness now I’m on Chains can’t escape this
Thought it be a decent day for me Baby but I guess I’m not so lucky If I was I wouldn’t be stuck on chains My veins my blood my breath is all Fades into the nearby air everywhere I tried to be luckly but I guess I’m Lucky why did you get sent my way Baby I tried to see the good in you But all that you’ve done is put me in chains Just like everyone my has sunk deep I don’t think I can dig it out out out It stuck deep there chains connecting It too the ground I feel so used who’d Use me no one but a idiot now I’m stuck Here on chains all chains
No air all chains no change I try to do the Best I can but clearly it’s not enough for You look at what you’ve done to me I’m Nothing part from the girl you see in chains No change all chains to the ground right Down down down down down to the end Of universe I’ll be here cause of you and You weak chains no change why would This happpen to little innocent me Are you scared of me? I’m asking Separately Are you afraid i’m going to Shoot you down from your big lump of Crown you clown cause now chains is all I breath my blood my veins my bones will Live in chains till they end
You said you truly loved me Not for my money but that’s Just the world we live in why Do I keep on forgetting that You just a liar liar pants on Fire I think if you want to get With me you should be a fire Man man or better yet stop Trying cause everyone knows Your a liar liar pants on fire How could I forget all of my Respect
Your just a liar liar pants on fire Maybe you should try tomorrow Or the next or the next or the Next day maybe I’ll be good Till then if your not a liar liar pants On fire should of known you weren’t Made for me oh you were made For someone else who is also a Liar liar pants on fire oh oh oh Can’t believe I fell in love with A dweeb who thinks he could Fall in love with me just for the Money
I guess your just a liar liar pants On fire you should try again we’ll Maybe never maybe I’ll be good Maybe I’ll be bad I’ll just be glad I did ent fall for a liar liar pants on Fire I wish I still could dump a Liar liar pants on fire I command Some respect for me never you You liar liar pants on fire wish I Could wipe my mind to forget You you bogus liar you bogus cheat
Who did it for the money not For the honey behind all the money Behind the gold I am bold and courageous So watch out you liar liar pants on Fire why would I ever even date Ya I guess I was being a idiot You never did for me you did it For the money the fame the Fortune well I can see your Fortune it says liar liar pants on Fire you should never try her Again in less you want this again Everyone knows your just a liar Liar pants on fire wish I never Tried ya.