
I heard through the grapevine about a black market merchant that could sell the craziest and most unthinkable items on earth.

I knew straight away what I wanted.

My whole life I’ve loved food , never been a fussy eater , always ate what was on my plate and that’s lead to my downfall.

I’ve always been bigger than other girls and I’ve always been aware of it. However I’ve never had the strength or willpower to get to the size I want to be.

That’s where the seller comes in.

I bought from him the pill that would change my life.

It allows me to eat what I want and never put on weight from it.

The magic pill eased the pain of self consciousness and self loathing that I’d felt my whole life.

Relief washed over me like a wave on a Hawaiian beach.


Over the next few weeks I stuffed my face with anything from heaps of McDonald’s food , chocolate, milkshakes and sweets. There was no fat gained only a thinner frame.

There I realised a downside to the pill.

As I couldn’t gain weight , I had to lose it , and I hated my body in a whole new way...

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