The Outcast
Write a story or poem with this as the title
The Outcast
A discordant chord trolling in cacophonous unison
Bearing too high a pitch
Too low a moral
Too eccentric,
Who runs with the daunting things
A Stygian raven amongst the bevy of doves
Lead hearted, and bull headed
I who have felt the caress of magic beneath weary bones
Draped in obsidian as my hue of choice
Teeth fashioned from broken glass
Heart stitched with brick and mortar
A creature of abominable sin
Daughter of no one but the pen that birthed her
That did cradle her mind plagued with mire,
Nursed wounds preserved with salt and hell fire
Un pardoned, and cast out
A blot on the brightest sheet of paper
What do you see?