A discordant chord trolling in cacophonous unison
Bearing too high a pitch
Too low a moral
Too eccentric,
Who runs with the daunting things
A Stygian raven amongst the bevy of doves
Lead hearted, and bull headed
I who have felt the caress of magic beneath weary bones
Draped in obsidian as my hue of choice
Teeth fashioned from broken glass
Heart stitched with brick and mortar
A creatur...
Shy, timid
Most harmonious when confined to ones self
Possibly strewn beneath obsidian sky
Smothered beneath their own matter
Retreating into the foliage of their own thoughts
Lacking a facial expression, polished and pristine
Guarded and walled
Likened unto Fort Knox
Like a white board bleached
A tad bit
Inward thinking
Introspective without cause
Or busting ...