Oh, Time!

_Oh, Time - grumpy old cat!_

_Remember the day I lost you?_

_While chasing your trace_

_Through the labyrinth called Life,_

_I found myself drifting,_

_Comfortably sitting,_

_Greedily sipping _

_From my strawberry drink _

_Among the stars!_


_Oh, Time - mischievous cat!_

_I had so many questions! _

_How come that afterlife_

_Still feels so much alive?_

_Or am I just dreaming_

_This peace that I’m feeling _

_My heart that it’s healing?_

_My tears turned to feathers _

_Among the stars! _


_Oh, Time - magnificent cat!_

_Can’t blame you for running_

_Away from my madness _

_Of keeping you still!_

_The world that I’m leaving _

_Once lost all its meaning_

_And, yet, now I’m missing…_

_My home, will I build it_

_Among the stars?_


_Oh Time - peculiar cat!_

_I drift away, just like a dream_

_Lost in a peace I never felt_

_So why I want it all?_

_The turmoil _

_The fight_

_The passion _

_The night_

_Please take me down,_

_Please bring me back_

_Oh Time - grumpy old cat! _





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