Party Games

Party games never end well…

And sometimes you have to get creative when coming up with what you do.

Cameron had a game he really wanted to try, and when I tell you nobody protested, I mean it.

Now, this is why you don’t leave 16 year olds unsupervised.

“Wait! Yo! I have the best idea ever! How about we all get dating apps, like ligit profiles, and we all swipe left on the first 4 people to show up no matter what and who they are.”

“Not going to lie, that is extremely lame.” Tara rolled her eyes and cuddled up againts the boy of the night.

“Shut it Tara you didnt let me finish. The fifth person to pop up, you have to swipe right and send a message that is unbelievably flirty. And whoever gets the best person get five dollars from every single person at this party.”

Alot of “im down”s echod through the room.

It took about 20 minutes to get everyone set up.

“Sarah! Your dad is on here!”


She snatched the phone and looked at it for a solid two minutes before going into the bathroom, calling her dad, and screaming could be heard trough the door. The worst they did was giggle a little.

Cameron went silent.

A girl with dark curly looked over onto his screen when she noticed that cameron wasn’t talking as he normally did. She immediately burst into laughter. She fell off of the couch trying to hold onto something. The tears where already rolling down her cheeks and her laughter practically silent with the loss of breath. Every one immediately swarmed Cam and statched his phone and they all had similar reactions.

“Are you going to swipe right or am I Cam-bam?”

“No man thats not funny. I dont wanna play anymore.” He tried to grab the phone back.

“Too late bro.” He swiped right and looked at his profile, “No freaking way. He is online. Oh my god he is going to love this.”

Sarah came out of the bathroom obviously angry, but she smiled when she saw who was on the screen, “I thought he had a wife.”

“Dont forget about the three kids!” A few people where still doubled over.

“If I could rewrite history,” he said slowly as he typed, “Id make sure you and I always end up together.”

“You have absolutely no rizz Jameson”

“Okay Tara” he said mockingly, “do you have any thing better? Exactly so shut it. And i already sent it”

Cameron looked like he was going to throw up.


Cameron grabbed the phoen back and read his response out loud, “Nice of you to reach out Cameron, I have always felt like we had a connection. Maybe you could stay after class on Thursday so we can get to know eachother? HUHH??” Cam ran to the trash can and emptied his stomach.

Jameson said, “So what we have learned, is that our history teacher is not only unfaithful, but also Zesty, and a child predator!”

“Okay but lets be honest, we already knew about his Zesty side…”

Cam finally recovered, “what do I do! My life is ruined! I cannot go to school tomorrow!”

“Good luck bro! I dont know how to help you dude!”

Lets just say, he got fired.

But Cameron proudly walked out of that party with a solid 95 dollars.


Writers Notes at the VERY bottom of the comments!





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