'The old bookstore had always been my escape, but today it felt different, almost magical...'

Book Dragon Bookstore

My escape from reality has always been the bookstore andf books. I always carried a book with me where ever i went even when I was little. Books can be a pleasant reality change for the real world. You can be anything or anyone you want in a book. Books have so many genres in one book store. Most readers have a favorite bookstore or favoritee genre. The bookstore is the happy place for any reader.

Today i went to my favorite book store just to see the new arrivaals of all genres. I have a membership to this bookstore forever. I have changed my current genre many times over the years. It was the escape when family drama was at home. I have been a princess to a dragon slayer. I could tell you where every genre is in the booksotre. I have been all over this bookstore but there is something diffrent thisds time.

This time when I walk in the store I feel like I have passed through a vortex into a differnt place. I could not put my finger on the difference just yet. The air in the book store was rather stuffy and smelled like a very old book. It could just me being excited for a new adventure. That is what I have always enjoyed. You open a cover and are tranposrted into a new adventure. I have had many adventure in this bookstore.

As I walk futher into the store the noises are not the usaul classical music but instead it is very suspenful music. I do notice but it does not worry me at this point. I walk to the back right corner to pick up the next book in my young adult fantasy fiction series. The section is not here. I can not even find a single fanstasy fiction book. It is like this book store looks like my book sotre but instead of books has shelves and aisle of special potions and eilixirs. The longer I am in the store I hear this small little voice calling to me. I am still question if I came to the correct bookstore. The longer I am in the bookstore I feel like I am sinking into a fantasy world.

I am not sure if I am falling deep into this fantasy world or if I need to get out of herre. The voice is a little louder calling all book dragons to follow the voice. I have never considred myself a book dragon until lately. Dragons are fanstasy and magical just like the book store is feeling currently.

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