It is a dark no moon night. I walked into a seedy bar that I would normally never go into. The door is heavy almost to heavy for me to pull open. I immediately get smacked in the face of stail smoke filled air. The air is so heavy with smoke that I can not help, but cough. I cough so much that I am double over in the doorway. I finally catch my breathe and start to walk into the bar. The door slams shut. The light is so dim that it takes a second for my eyes to adjust. I have brought the purse I found on the back bumper of my truck when I lefft work.
I had never saw this purse or new where it came from. I put it in the truck and drove to the neaarest store parking lot, just in case some one was following me. Now a days you can not trust anyone or be to careful. The bag is a small blue glitter purse. I did look inside to find a small wallet, keys, chapstick, and a cellphone. After having the purse for aabout 15 minutes the phne starts to ring. The first time I did not answer the third time it rang I did answer the phone.
“Hello” i causicously answer.
“Who the hell is this?” The othe voice questions.
“Who is this?” I ask.
“Just bring the bag to me at north bar,NOW!” The voie demands.
I am looking for the owner of the bag now that my eyes have adjusted to the dim light. I hope I am looking for the girl on the id in the purse. She is a blonde young girl that looks like she goes out to raves every weekend. I look aroudn the north bar aand finally find her in the far back corner. I walk over and sit down across the table from her. I place the blue glitter purse on the table. I pause a second then slowly slide it across the table to the other lady. She is wearing a oversized sweatershirt with the hood covering her head. She looks in the purse. Everything was still there the way I found it.
“Where did you find this?” She asks.
“ I came out of work and it was on the back bumper of my truck.” I tell her.
She looks happy to have it back. I am glad to give it back. I am still flooded with questions to why I ended up with it. I am just not sure how to bring up all the questions. Why is she wearing such a larage swetshirt also. She is barely a size 8 in a 3xl sweatshirt. I wait for her to speak.
“Where the hell is my big wallet?” She questoned.
“What?”i respond.
“Yeah my big wallet is missing.” She says.
“ It is exactly how I foudn it.” I defend.
She is constantly looking toward t he door and if she is worried about someone. She finally pulls the hood down and I see her face it bursied up. She explains that She was beat up last night and lost everything. She asked if I knew who had her purse. She was bea and raped all last night. She is worried they were coming back for her.
I have always been close to my grandmother. When she passed I took it very hard. I never thought I would recover from it at all. We would hang out on a regular basis when I was little. I was her first grand child,which meant I would get spoiled by her. I got to learn so many crafts from her when I was little. She talk how to bake, sew, crochet, and even knit. When she past I got all the crohet hooks and knitting needs to help me remeber her.
When we go grandma’s ashes back after her passing I wanted a special way to have her with me all the time. I wanted a way to take her with me everywhere. I lookedinto all my options. I found a wearable urn. It was a blank silver heart that I could put on a chain. I got two of them engaved. One heart had grandma’s initals and the date of her passing. The other heart said grandma’s name and the date of her pssing. It was one for me and the other was for my mother. We thought the heartsd to be specail and unwiue to each of us. My mother wears her all the time. I take my heart off at night to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and went to put my necklace that held the heart around my neck. It was not on my nightstand. I always put it in the same spot every night. I looked on the floor at the foot of the night stand and nothing was there. I look to see if the necklace was covered by the tv remote. I start to panic. I haave not been without the heart arou nd my neck since grandma past. No one had been in the room other than me. I had everything else that Belonged on my nightstand. I looked under the nightstand, behind the nightstand, even under the edge of the bed. Nothing at all.
I am starting to panic, where could grandma had gone. Where is the heart that holds her ashes? My breathe is starting to speed up as I keep looking. I start to panic aand just start clearing the night stand off onto my bed. Nothing is coveringg the nightlace. I am now running late for work, but I can’t go without my necklace. I keep looking around the floor. Nothing. Where can it be? I need to find this necklace. It is not a little nacklace, since it is a long necklace with my cross, grandma’s ashes in the herat, and a butterfly on it. The necklace can not just disapper. Finally I see it against the wall bhind the nightstand.
We all knew our village was small, but we did not realize how small. My eentire life in this village everyone has known everyone. We never lock our doors or cars. We never had crime before. Parents did not worry about thier kids in our little village. Once in a way a traveler would make a wrong turn on the way to the coast. The traveler would stumble into our small village and not be sure what to do. They would stay the night and the next day continue on thier way.
Today was different.All the parents were talking quietly so us kids could not really hear. They kept looking up the road out of the village. We had not had a traveler in the village in almost three months as of today. Us kids were trying to figure out whay the parents were so worried. The parents would stop talking if us kids can to close.
The next day, parents still were whispering to each other. Us kids starting trying to figure things out. One child found out there were weird things happening. The parents did not know what was causing the mischief. My parents told me to stay with my grandmother while they went to the village meeting. My friends and I just waited until grandma was taking her nap. We left the house to go to the meeting. Parents were yelling at one another saying how the mischief was getting worse. They had found things missing over night. Our village all slept about the same time.
Parents started locking the house door when we went to bed just to find the door unlocked when we woke up every morning. The parents did not like that idea. Parents worried for us kids in the vilage. If the door got unlocked during the night the door was unlocked from the inside of the home. This mean some one was leaving the house during the night. The parents thought it was us kids. We all knew it was not us, because we did not eve not listen to our parents. Parents scared each one of us.
Mischief was happening thought the week. First just the doors were being unlocked. Next parents started to realie that the horse corrals were unlocked now. Each morning e would wake up to all the horses in the village center. Lucky the horses did not run away. The parents decided to set up a watch rotation to figure out the mischief that is happeneing in the village.
I had not pick up any fares this evening. It was after dinner time, so I was hoping ffor at least one or two fares at least. Otherwise this eveing would be a complete loss. I drove a cab three nights a week, usually one weekday and the entire weekend. I could make enough extra cash on the weekends, but the weekdays sometime I just drove around a few hours and then went home. Tonight was a quiet Wednesday. I was not sure i would make any money at all. Driving a cab is a lot harded now with Lyft and Uber.
Right as I was about to drive back home and call it a night I was a young man hailing a cab. It was kinda of wierd becuase he was in the middle of the street. He waved both his arms and stood in front of my cab. I notced he had streks of blood on his face. Blood splattered his clothes and he was brewawthing rather hard.
“Hey Buddy,you need a ride.” I asked.
“Yes!” He answered.
I opended the door so he could get in. He keot looking behind him and around. He got in locked both back doors. He was shaking. We rode for a good five minutes in silence. His breathe was slowing down now.
“Where can I take you?” I questioned.
“Anywhere?” He states.
We keep driving for a while longer. I do not want to ask why so much blood, because if I am the next victims. He does jump everytime we her a siren. He is starting to realx. He slowly starts to talk.
He is saying how he killed his best friend that he found in bed with his girlfriend. He thought they were togther, but never could catch them together. She swore they were not together. He got home from work eaarly and did not call this time. When he walked in to the house, he heard noises upstairs. He went up to the bedroom, opened the door and saw them in bed. He blacked out until he woke up covered in blood and both body could not be found. He knew he had to get out og the house. That is whay I met him in the street.
She thought it would be an easy uneventful weekend. She had decided that Saturday would her day to cean her house from top to bottm. She prided herself on having a very cleaan and organized house. The rest of her life maybe very crazy and unorganized. She was always working crazy hours to get everything done, even if that means working a 13 hour day. Once she got done cleaning the house and was just about to sit done and relax there was a slow knock at the front door. Due to her living alone she does have a camera that over looks the front door. She pulls up the app only to realize that standing at her front door is the father she has not talked to in 10 years.
Sshe slowly swallows to try and settle her nreves. That did not work. She was not expecting to talk to her father aagain. She had sent him two certified cards trying to clear the slate. She had decided that she was done being disrespected. She grew up being told she was worthless and would not amount to anything. He even disrespected his own daughter when she was going through some hard times.
His daughter had been physically and emotionally abused by her ex. He did not give his own daughter any sympathy. He made the comment ‘You got what you deserve” At that point his daughter left and nevevr saw him again, until today when he showed up on her front door step. Lucky all the windows are closed. She can stay quiet and hope he will go away.
She does not want to face her father right now. But she is worried he can hear her heart beat through the door. Her heart is beating out of her chest. She stays perfetly still and watches him on camera.
After the issues leading into my sister-in-laws wedding you would think she would apologise. She turned everyone is the family against me. She told them I did not want to be in her wedding. I never said that at all. I actually said “I could not afford the dress, but found one just like in that I could afford.” She had convinced Dad that I would not let my husband, her brother be in the wedding.
She is the center of the world to my inlaws. I never understood that since my husband is the baby o the family. I am the oldest of my siblings and yet not the center of attention for my family. I do understand that my husband’s family did loose a child already when his sister passed away. Then they also lost thier niece who passed away suddenly. I understand that, but i do not agree that give her a right to treqqaat anyone bad.
I went to help her pick out the bidesmaid dresses. I am picking about what I wear and she did not care. I was not that self center when I married her borther. I am more the one that likes to blend into the shadows and so is her brother, my husband.
He does not like the way I was treated by hs family. After the wedding we stopped going over until right before Christmas. He went over by himself and yealled at his sister and parents until his sister agreed to apologise. I told him I would not hold my breathe for her to apologise, since she did ot feel like she did anything bad. I just wanted her to realize I had never said anything other than I had to find a dress I could afford. She took it as my not wanting to be in the wedding.
She did apologise, but it almost seemed fake. She is a very fake person. She did not have any feeling when she did apologise. She thinks she can buy her brother to lke her. I know that so i make it seem like she wants expernsive gifts and make her buy them for him. I gues you can say I have figure out to use her attuitude against her to get what we want.
My escape from reality has always been the bookstore andf books. I always carried a book with me where ever i went even when I was little. Books can be a pleasant reality change for the real world. You can be anything or anyone you want in a book. Books have so many genres in one book store. Most readers have a favorite bookstore or favoritee genre. The bookstore is the happy place for any reader.
Today i went to my favorite book store just to see the new arrivaals of all genres. I have a membership to this bookstore forever. I have changed my current genre many times over the years. It was the escape when family drama was at home. I have been a princess to a dragon slayer. I could tell you where every genre is in the booksotre. I have been all over this bookstore but there is something diffrent thisds time.
This time when I walk in the store I feel like I have passed through a vortex into a differnt place. I could not put my finger on the difference just yet. The air in the book store was rather stuffy and smelled like a very old book. It could just me being excited for a new adventure. That is what I have always enjoyed. You open a cover and are tranposrted into a new adventure. I have had many adventure in this bookstore.
As I walk futher into the store the noises are not the usaul classical music but instead it is very suspenful music. I do notice but it does not worry me at this point. I walk to the back right corner to pick up the next book in my young adult fantasy fiction series. The section is not here. I can not even find a single fanstasy fiction book. It is like this book store looks like my book sotre but instead of books has shelves and aisle of special potions and eilixirs. The longer I am in the store I hear this small little voice calling to me. I am still question if I came to the correct bookstore. The longer I am in the bookstore I feel like I am sinking into a fantasy world.
I am not sure if I am falling deep into this fantasy world or if I need to get out of herre. The voice is a little louder calling all book dragons to follow the voice. I have never considred myself a book dragon until lately. Dragons are fanstasy and magical just like the book store is feeling currently.
I thought going to church and turning my life around would let me peacefully walk through the gates of heaven. I was expecting street of gold, beautiful houses and one waiting for me. I would be heaaled completely of all my health issues. I would be greeted by my grandmother,uncle, aand other family members that had passed away before me. I would also get to come face to face with Jesus. I unfortunately did not.
I found myself entering the gates of hell. It was not hot and meiserable like everyone in told. You do not really read about hell anywhere. Most religious books refer to some sort of purgatory. That is some sort of punishment period that is equilvelant to the bad things someone has done on Earth. This is not a permanate place but a temporary until your punishment is done.
I always believe I would go to heaven even though I had not be the perfect person on Earth. I am getting used to hell. It is not much different then Earth. I still have me free will of choices. I just am going through the same routine I did on Earth. All of us here in hell go to work and back home every weekday. The only difference is we never get a weekend. We work 365 days a year. The day is just long enough for a few hours of daylight when you get home after work before it gets dark. Every one in hell thinks they are getting ahead but in reality they do not get ahead any further. I realize that hell is like groundhound day.
I wake up go to work and do it all over again for days. I keep hoping one of these days I will have worked off my bad deeds. I did not think I was that bad of a person on Earth. I realize that I have been in hell for years now. You loose trqack of the days since they are all the same day. It reapeats and reapeats. I can never get a head or out of this hell.
Blue is a cloudless sky as the sunrises. The newly hatced blue jay in the nest chirping for thier mother to come back. The crystal clear water on the pond or swimming pool. I am reminded of blue as the geentle rain drops run down the winshield of my blue car. It is also the chill running though my body as I walk out into the cool morning air. Blue cn be the ice cream on a hot summer day. But also can be the ice forming on the road during the winter. Blue is not just a color either. I can feel blue when my feelings get hurt. I am blue as I realize my friend is not coming over anymore. Blue what I am when I just want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. Blue is my favorite pair of jeans that are like a spirit lift when I put them on. It aalso reminds me of the blueberries I eat when in season. I would walk along the path and pick the fresh wild blueberries.
I open up my eyes only to realize I am unfamiliar with where I am at. I crawled up in the most comfortable heated bed I have been in. The blaankets are just the right amount of heat. The mattress seems to have been tailored just for my body. I feel like I am sleeping on a cloud. I never tthought my bed could be this comfy since I husband enjoys a firm bed. My husband is not in the bed next to me but it is warm from his body. I decide I am going to adventure out of the bed.
Usually the bedroom is cool with the ceiling fan on that I have to reach for my slippers and robe. I work up the courage to pull the covers off me. I realize even my pajamas are the sotest I have ever felty. It is a pair of leggings and a tank top. These pajamas I have never seen before but that is usually what I wear around the house. My slippers are fleece lined to keep my feet warm. I realize that the room is comfortable. It is like I woke up in my dream bedroom.
I am still not sure where I am at or where my husband is either. I am wworried to go explore to far. My hasband has to be, or should be around somewhere. He would haave told me if he was leaving.
I love the room set up. There is a nice little corner with a chair draped with a blanket. It faces the window that over looks the lake outside. I could speand every day sitting in that chair reading evrybook. That is when I happen to look up. I am now realizing that My bed i just woke up is in the very middle of a two story library with floor to celing shevles. There are so many books to read. Where does a person start? How much time before I wake up? All these questions are rushing into my mind.