By Joshua Coleman @ Unsplash

Your neighbour has put up some halloween decorations, but you're worried about how realistic the skeletons are...

Le Jardin du Crâne

Joe has his regular Halloween decorations up. I always love his lights, the way they shine off his little pond. He added a new feature this year which is kind of cool, a whole slew of skeletons, all dressed up differently. It is so creative. I know he’s visiting his sister, I bet he wouldn’t mind if I took a little tour.

I walk through his garden gate, through all the kid-friendly stuff, Mickey Mouse dressed up as a pumpkin and the sort. The good stuff was always over past the pond. I walked gingerly and started to get a weird feeling. The closer I got to the skeletons I realized they were just the skulls on sticks. Closer and closer, weirder and weirder.

I got to the start of the skeleton displays and noticed how realistic the clothes were. They didn’t look like the odd plastic-y clothes you get at the Halloween stores, they were real. I can’t put my finger on it but I think these are real people’s clothes.

I tripped and fell on my way to the sixth skeleton and the skull fell off the stick. Suddenly its eyes opened. The damned thing had eyes! I noticed a shadow behind me, reflecting from the light displays. It was Joe and he had an axe above his head, swinging it at me…

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