Write a story from two different perspectives, paralleling each other in one event.

The pair of characters should ideally be connected, like a killer and a victim.

Spiders Web

[District 7, Neon City]

[Sofia’s point of view]

{Spider Plantation, Individual Homes}

Light hadn’t woken her up as it did the last week or so. Hunger wasn’t a pain frequently pulling at her body. Peace had started to overwhelm her. Comfort was the new normal.

Emond was already gone, his room empty as she stalked towards the stairs. A shuffle downstairs cause her to take a quick breath. Slowing down as she reached the first floor.

“Morning!” A strange looking guy fully bathed in tattoos said, coming to a stop just short of the stairs. “Your decent right?”

He quickly turned around tossing his hands up in mock surrender. She just giggled a bit, and strode right past him.

“One of Spiders goons I presume?” She pulled open the fridge, grabbing a plastic oj container.

“What if your wrong? What if I’m here to kill you and all of Spiders men?” He pulled a arm length blade out of actually nowhere, trying to keep a straight face as he hoped up onto the counter.

Crouching like a ninja ready to attack. Then he let out a laugh that echoed through the halls. Nearly falling off the counter top.

“So Emond’s your brother?” Sofia could feel his eyes lingering across her body. She probably should have put on a more modest outfit, but a pair of short shorts and a t-shirt were normally worn till breakfast. Emond never minded and no other guys had come around.

“Yeah he is” She mumbled back, ignoring his flattering. “Spider send him away?” She questioned taking a bite of buttered toast.

“Yeah, big old secret mission. I think it’s got something to do with that big robbery downtown.” He looked deeply into her blue eyes, not once letting his gaze slip.

“We’ll. That’s good for him. I don’t need you gawking around here” She took a few more bites. “So you may leave” Mouth full, she pointed back toward the door.

Turning to grab her juice she noticed he hadn’t moved. Instead he was awestruck at how forward she was being.

“My apologies… I didn’t-“ She cut him off, motioning him back towards the door again.

“I don’t trust a perv to keep me safe. So go tell Spider that” She devoured the last three bites, grabbing the juice to chase it.

“It’s been a long-“ She cut him off again, raising her hand like in grade school.

“Your a man who can’t keep his eyes where they belong.” She huffed, tossing her plate in the trash and moving towards the stairs. “Nice meeting you, but no thanks”

“I’m sorry. Your more beautiful then anything I’ve ever seen before. Not just women; in nature, or the world. It’s almost terrible that you hide such a beauty. I’ll let spider know you want another guard” He sulked to the door, opening it and then disappearing out of it.

Sofia stood there for a moment, thinking about all the times men had ogled over her body. Foaming at the mouth or drooling, this hadn’t been that. He’d stolen glances but he wasn’t staring or making comments about it.

In a second she was out the door behind him. “Sir!” She called out into the looting rain, he stood just beyond the stairs. Just before the rain.

“I’m sorry” She groaned, knowing the smile that crept across his face wouldn’t be going anywhere soon. “I judged you harshly and I’m sorry”

“I’m Alzec.” He bowed. “Glad you hurried out. Cuz Spider would not have acted kindly had he thought that I disrespected you in anyway.”

“I just haven’t had many good experiences with men” She slumped down into the chairs set out into the wrap around porch.

“I have a younger sister, she fiercely opposed to doing guard work. Also a bit of a pain in Spiders flesh as of late. But Spider might consider it” Alzec sat beside her, looking out into the rain.

“That might be better” Now she wasn’t looking at him; his green eyes, muscular brown skin tone, or all the artistic depictions that hung on his skin.

“The art is how we show our devotion to Spider.” He motioned to the black ink wrapping all the way up his two arms. “I am as high as I may go. Fully devoted and have proven my devotion on many occasions.”

It would be disrespectful on her account not to look, especially since he was explaining it to her. So she did. Her eyes traced over the many shapes and designs that started at his fingertips, spanning clear up to his shoulders and beyond.

“Did they hurt?” She questioned, sliding her hand across a depiction of an animal she’d never seen before, a large cat of some kind.

“Only in certain spots, overall not that bad” He huffed. “It’s a lion, I’ve only heard stories about them. Spider has books that depicted them”

“How long have you been with him?” She looked back out into the rain, seeing a figure headed toward them. “Spider I mean”

“Since I was nine years old” He shuffled in his chair, like the memory wasn’t too happy. “I’m nearly nineteen now.”

“So he saves kids and teens?”

“He trusts us more then the men and women who are left in this world. Once we reach the age of twenty - one, we become advisors and parents to his newer generation”

“So when are you allowed to just have fun and adventure?” She stood up and stumbled off onto the banister of the porch. Rain poorer down her back and sides in seconds, causing her to erupt in a squeal.

“You won’t melt” He laughed, as she tossed a handful of rain water in his direction. “We don’t do fun. We have an opportunity to keep the children of our district safe and teach them how to defend themselves “

Sofia tossed another handful of water in his direction and it just slapped him in the face and swept across his sleeveless top. He didn’t really even give her a smile or anything playful. A warrior of stone, but she’d crack him.

“Guess you don’t like playing in the rain?” She questioned leaning back and soaking her whole upper body. Only to leap onto him, shaking her long wet hair over him.

“Sofia!” Emond’s voice sent a chill down her spine. “Get off the boy. I’m sure Spider has other plans for his day”

“Thanks” Alzec muttered, pulling himself from under her. The taking off into the rain.

“What are you thinking?” Emond hissed, stepping into the house and tossing off a plastic-like covering.

“He’s cute. And honestly I was bored”

“Well stop it. Any other man would have probably just taken you right there. You were giving off enough signs of compliance “ His gaze darted away from the sagging cloth that covered her upper body.

“Sorry I didn’t “ She quickly used her arms to cover up her budding chest.

“Your not a child anymore…. Your becoming a woman. You can’t be acting like that.” Emond shook his head, resting it in his hand. “Go change. Spider wants us to eat amongst everyone tonight.”

{Alzec’s point of view}

She dipped back into the water showering herself in its cold dampness. Splattering her upper body with water. Quickly he looked away at her eyes, begging him for a reaction. He sighed, keeping his thoughts and mind on her face. Not the slow leaking of water soaking away at the cami. Pulling it down to reveal a growing young body.

The she leaped into his lap. Water poured off her body onto him. She was attacking him, with water. Like they were sharing a shower. Instinctively his hands went up, protecting his manhood from any possible damage. Grabbing her hips.

“Sofia!” Emond’s voice shook the world like the crack of thunder in a storm. “Get off the boy. I’m sure Spider has plans for the rest of his day”

That was his que to get away from this girl. Emond was giving him a way out. He took it, sliding out from under her. Stepping off the porch in nearly a full sprint.

Rain hadn’t stopped, the entire run back to the fortress. It was a large building, two sets of stairs jetted out from the second floor. Of course the bottom floor wasn’t set up to enter from the front. He fell in line after a few people climbing the stairs.

Two men stood out of the rain at the top of the stairs. Each of them nodding to him as he shifted past the waiting people. Probably here to ask for credits or refuge. Neither would be given if they didn’t have more scouts or daughters to further Spiders reach.

Stepping into the meeting room Spider stood up as he slipped in. Bowing he went right to his side as a small group of men stepped into the doorway. A young girl being dragged by a rope around her neck.

Alzec winced as the man holding the leash pulled hardly, causing her to trip and choke.

A few of the other warriors took a step forward. Spider waved them off, Alzec nelt right by Spiders feet.

“We have a whore for you!” The first man chuckled, shouting it out. “Nice place yah got here” The man spun taking in all the exquisite things that laden the walls and paintings.

“I’m not sure if you know of me” Spider said in a calm cool tone. “You never speak to a woman like that, especially a young lady. Can you unhand her?”

“Yes, we want at least two thousand credits for her. My men broke her in” He laughed. “So the whor-“ Blood exploded from the man’s throat, finishing his sentence with the gurgle of him suffocating on his blood.

A dagger tapped the wall somewhere behind him. He fell to the ground lifeless, his two followers unsure of where the attack came from. Alzec holding two more daggers ready to strike.

“I gave him a warning. Women, shall not be talked about like that in my presence.” Spider stood up, pacing over to the young madden, still tied up.

He stopped just short of the girl. Clothes severely cut and torn in places. Dirty and hardly hanging on to her small frame. Tears ran down her face.

“I’m sorry young lady. This is not how my warriors treat women.” His expression dropped as he pulled a blade from his side and cut the rope around her neck. “If these men caused you any harm end them” Spider stood up and moved across the room like a pharaoh of Egypt, leaving the blade at her feet.

Alzec was faster, as she stood to attack. One of the men pulled a handgun. His throat was cut before he even pointed it at the girl. The last man fell to her blade as Spider sat into his chair. Blood littered the floor as she stood up, covered in it.

A scratching sound came from their right, a little old lady pushing a walker. She came into the room slowly, one of Spiders warriors at her side. A few of spiders other warriors already started to clean the scene before them. They all stopped and bowed. Except for the sobbing girl , splattered with blood from her revenge.

“Miho who is the girl? Why does she cry?” The elderly woman stopped, a few feet away from the bloody floor and the girl.

“She is free mama” Spider said to all of them.

“Freedom is a wonderful thing. Come wipe your tears and I will help you” The woman reached a wrinkled hand out to the girl.

“Thank you” The girl mumbled, letting the woman’s warrior help her up.

“How did it go with Sofia?” Spider turned his head back to Alzec. “Must have gone well, the other three warriors didn’t last an hour” He laughed.

“She’s a handful “ Alzec smiled.

“I think she’s gonna be our first female warrior. I’d be honored if you could train her” Spider looked straight into his eyes.

“Are you sure?”

“Do you question my choice?” Spiders face was only a foot or so away, looking like he’d just told a joke.

“No. I will start working on her tomorrow. With her.” He stumbled over his words and Spider started to laugh.

“Emond knows and is slightly against it. She’ll be a great warrior.” Spider nodded towards the door his mother and the newest daughter had disappeared into. “That new girl needs a name, send her to your sister or Sofia. The choice is yours”

Unexpectedly Alzec could feel his chest beating just a bit faster, at the possibility of having to deal with Sofia again.

A few other men stepped into the meeting room, four women of different skin tones nearly naked roped together like prisoners. The youngest looking of them had a red tattoo across her face.

Without another look he disappeared into the hallways that belong to the daughters. His eyes never left the floor once he stepped into the doorway. It was the way, none of the men were allowed unless they had been sent or were going to be one of the Webs warriors.

“Young man? Did my son send you?” The elderly woman’s voice called fairly close.

“Spider sent me to bring the new daughter out to Emond and Sofia” He still bowed and she chuckled at his need for normalcy.

“You can look up boy. She’s still bathing.” Looking up he saw the old woman’s warrior and her behind a desk. “Noel is her chosen name…. Please sit at the door till she comes out”

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