Write a short story about someone being late for work, but from the perspective of their pet.

Changing the perspective of a story often brings surprising new elements to it – or can add amusing qualities to an otherwise mundane setting.

She’s Late!!

I was sleeping by my human’s feet when she randomly jumped up, kicking me in the process. She only had time for a brief apology before rushing into the bathroom to put her mouth stick in her mouth while sitting on the giant water bowl. I stretched out, waiting for my usual belly rubs, but she just patted me before hopping into her leg coverings and running out of the room. I hopped down from the bed, only to see her rushing around, not taking time to talk to me like she normally does. She let me do my business in the backyard, but as soon as I stepped foot back inside, she was closing the see through hard thing and saying bye to me. I started whining and trying to block her way, but she just pushed me aside after a few head pats and left. I was left there, calling after her, and trying to open the door the same way she did, although lower.
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