Submitted by Max Janzen

Choose any animal, and write a story about how it could take over the world.

Your story can be as outrageous as you like.

Run ( Before It’s Too Late )

Out of all the animals of this world, what could take over? You first would assume the Archea domain, full of bacteria that can possibly wipe out the planet instantly. Or maybe the plant domain- which would grow so harsh that it could become a toxic wasteland?

Wrong. You all are wrong.

We must be afraid of one certain species.

Specifically the Betta splendens.

Aka, the Betta.

Now, don’t start saying:

‘ Nelly, they can’t hurt you’

‘ Nelly, they are just stupid fish’

You all have fallen in their trap.

So far in that you can’t get out.

Bettas are beautiful, but deadly fish. They hate their own species. They will even kill their mate if they don’t meet their standards.

Talk about rejection.

Not just that, but bettas are fast. Even though their tails from selective breeding can make them slower- they are fast.

Trust me, I would know.

They are fast for a reason. They want to start war. They want to slice through their enemies- especially humans.

We, are their target.

Let me explain.

My fellow writers, bettas do require a fully cycled tank, heater, at least 5 gallons, AND fresh food.

No bowls, no cups- nothing.

They also like plants as well.

However, since we love to shove them in tiny cups and proceed to burn their scales off- they are sick of us indeed.

( we burn them by ammonia- look up nitrogen cycle in fish tank for more detail )

We, my writers, shall be murdered. Whoever has owned a fish like this before shall drop dead by them in minutes.

Now you might be saying, Nelly, they are small; how could they kill you?

Well, they could drown you.

Make you drown. Don’t underestimate the strength of these guys - they are powerful. So powerful to make someone drown.

One of these days, these fish will evolve to live outside of these cups. When that happens, we all should take cover.

Alas, if you are aware of fishkeeping, I’m sure you will be well. Maybe even thanked by these dangerous creatures. Alas I can’t guarantee anyone’s safety.

After all, they are after you.

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