‘There was a relief in feeling the storm’s approach.’

Write a poem that begins with this line.

Young Gun

There was relief in feeling the storms approach

He thought as he rode into town

These past few evenings have been so hot

That it burns when he lays on the ground

Our main character is a young gun cowboy

At a saloon just west of Santa Fe

He came to collect his rightful bounty

On the two men he killed the other day

Hard rains are pouring down on him

As William dismounts his steed

This saloon had decent whiskey and women

And for William that’s all he needs

William is not just some two bit outlaw

Running scared from all he did

William is quite infamous in these parts

You see, William is…Billy the Kid

The Kid was never good with authority

But he was exceptional with his steel

His reputation as a prolific gunman

Was hard for him to conceal

With a whiskey bottle and a filthy glass

He sat in the corner with face to the door

The Kid had to be careful of the law man’s gun

Or the Kid won’t be the Kid no more

Part 2

The Kid was kissing a young lady of the night

As two big men with big guns appeared

They are not the men he was supposed to meet

He gave his mistress a kiss.then she disappeared

The Kid knew these men were coming for him

He could see the Devils notion in their eyes

With big steps they approached his table

With their peacemakers hung on their thighs

“What can I do you for? “The Kid said to them

“We are looking for a coward named Billy.”

The kid looked around to see people leaving

The emotions in this room just got chilly

“We heard there’s a bounty on his head

And that his head looks just like you!”

Billy was at home in these desperate situations

He said”that’s fine what do you want to do!?”

Part 3

The kid knew that he was outnumbered

But this time it was only by one

Billy stood quickly to face his Assassins

Then fired two quick shots from his gun

One of Billy’s bullets struck their mark

The fat ugly man took it to his brain

The second man’s hand fumbled his grip

His gun was still wet from the rain

Billy took advantage of the man’s bad luck

He ran for cover behind the bar

The other man fired off 4 wild rounds

Showering him with glass from a jar

Billy found Himself in quite the pickle

If he were to stand up he would die

He never thought he would go out this way

But then he heard Charlie outside

Charlie Bowden was Billy’s lifelong pal

He came bursting in, barrels blazing

His double barreled 12 gauge hit its mark

Billy thought…Charlie is fucking Amazing!!

With that the Pals got on their horses

Charlie paid him his hitman wages

Charlie watched Billy ride into the night

He knew they would never put Billy in cages


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