Submitted by Margaret Sok

“You’ve come back, but I no longer need you.”

Write a poem or short story including this line.


I always felt alone when I was with you,

Feeling hatred, and distain too.

You made me feel like a waste of space,

Like I was the sole cause of your disgrace.

You yelled and screamed,

Threw things at me.

Called me names and belittled who I was,

Scolded me as if I were breaking laws.

I can’t deal with it any longer,

You use to be sweet but you’re now a monster.

You aren’t the man I fell in love with, that I am sure.

I don’t believe you ever were.

You had me rely on you solely, like a lost puppy.

Following close behind, begging for you to love me.

But you never really did, and instead you left.

Leaving me behind, without an address.

I’ve finally healed and here you are again,

Asking for another chance, like I owe you something

You want me back, but I don’t want you.

You say you need me, but I no longer need you.

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