Inspired by Kail Cleo

The days of the week are based on real people's character traits. Describe a day of the week through a character.

For example, Monday might be depressed, while Friday might love partying!

A group of young days

Within our group of friends we have many personalities in which we call the days

We have Monday

Our momma bear

she works and works and works

and loves everyone around

These feelings are never reciprocated

and she is always shunned

We have our Tuesday

The jock the Muscle The Man

He is a picture perfect quarterback

but what you never sleep

is he crys him self to sleep as his dad continues to drink

Then there is Wednesday

The shortie

Shes angry and opinionated

She fiesty and sweet

She loves cats and comics

But hates mac and cheese

She is the one we all vow to protect

Because her brain dosnet work quite the same

We call him grandpa thursday

Because he always knows the news

He eats green beans

and wears leather shoes

He likes cardigans and jigsaw puzzles

But most of all its because he

loves us like to other

but he loves us because he was never loved by a mother

Friday is the party animal

Bringing a new girl to every Bash

She has gotten drunk once or twice

And thats only within this week

What she never tells anyone

Is the alcohol nor the food

ever stays down

The porcelain throne

is her stomachs best friend

Saturday loves flowers

snd books and gaming

she does anything and everything she has time for and loves to give gifts

she thinks she has no friends

and is losing all


Please tell her you love her

We cant afford to lose her

Last but not least is little baby sunday

He started this group

And is the nerdy one

He helps us all the time

and always has to be tidy

he is a year younger than all of us

He has the coolest house

and brings the best food

But honestly he is the glue

He is the weekend of our group

**(Credits:Raphaela **

**I read theri writing and it inspired me to **

**write this theirs was about a family but mine was about a friend group)**

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