The Stranger
Write a story or poem with this as the title
The Stranger
Looking in the mirror
Don’t like what I see
A person I used to know
Is staring back at me
I recognize her smile
And also that nose
But what is really missing
Does she even know?
When did things go wrong
Or were they ever right?
Time has passed so quickly
In this game of life.
It’s not just me, now
I have a daughter, too
I’m to be her role model
Teach her the good to do.
It’s not just for my kid
But also for me,
I need to get rid of this Stranger
Hiding within me.
I’ll start by treating myself better
Like other people do
My friends are so kind to us
So why not be kind to myself, too?
I must get rid of this Stranger
Hiding deep inside of me
The first step is to say
‘I love you’ while looking at me.