Create a scene where two characters who dislike each other are forced to cooperate in a critical task.
Build tension and contempt between the characters whilst they work together, but do not resolve the conflict.
House Cof
“Alright class I’m going to break you into pairs to work on this lab. I know you have partners but we are mixing it up just for today” groans immediately escaped the class. Mrs Felts immediately started back up while waving her hands for calm “relax it’s just for today since we have a few people missing and it’s good for you to work with others for a change”. Unfazed by the students protesting she started naming off pairs. Walking down the center isle she pointed to stations as she named off partners. “And here we will have Michael and Ryan” closing my eyes i breathed deeply. This was not what I needed today.
Ryan was a sworn enemy of House Tog but surprisingly Ryan and I have many things in common. For instance, we both like pizza and it just so happens that both our families are very old and mysterious. We both are in the same grade, and we both have weird powers that let us banish otherworldly beings from our plane of existence. The problem is, is that both our houses claim to have the better process and hate the other for their process. It’s honestly pretty funny if you think about it. We use techniques that channel through the tips of our fingers and they channel through their palms. But at the end of the day both techniques accomplish the same goal.
Thus we are sworn enemies and will make every effort to mark someone of the other house. Its a dated battle but when someone is coming at you to make you look stupid, you are going to defend yourself. It is a great shame to be marked by the opposing house. Honestly I probably wouldn’t bother with Ryan if he wasn’t the bane of my existence. Back in kindergarten he trapped a spirit in my backpack that scarred me to this day. I still have to double loop my straps to make sure it hasn’t been tampered with. Then in 3rd grade he chased me with his palm at recess everyday. I hadn’t yet manifested my marks so I had nothing to fight back with but times have changed. He’s getting marked today and I can see the resolve on his face to do the same to me.
A series of beakers and liquids are arrayed in font of us as Ms Felts describes the process. I can’t really pay attention with my heart pounding. Wriggling my fingers to keep them loose in anticipation. The first exchange tension is in the air. You would think fingers would trump palm, but your first line of defense is your hands regardless of fingers or palms. Pinpointing the side of the hands to deflect is this most important when combating either side. I can see him going through motions in preparation as his hands slide through simple techniques . Pulling his shirt down as far on his arms as possible to avoid skin contact. Cursing my luck for wearing a short sleeve shirt. I’m to exposed.
“Ok begin the assignment. I will be walking around to assist” the class springs into motion but we just sit there frozen in a deadlock. Neither wanting to put themselves out of position. My body feels like it’s vibrating and sound seems to be going out. Focusing my breathing and relaxing my body to flow through the motions. In and out. We are nearly in sync. “Were neither of you paying attention to my instructions?” Both of us having just noticed our teacher looming over us. Tension disappearing in an instant.
“I’m sorry Ms. Felts, I got distracted trying to find my instructions.” Quickly pulling my lab plan out and flipping to the first step. I start reaching for containers as she turns to help the class. In an instant Ryan’s palm flashes forward at my forearm. I windmill my arm upward and thrust my right hand under to retaliate. Flattening his arm to the top he slides under my hand and pops my arm up into the air. At the same time I thrust my left fingers, trying to grasp the back of his exposed neck. Not waisting a moment he sways backward while curling his arm to catch my extended hand. He’s faster and more lithe than I would have guessed. I reverse my arm and chop his bicep causing his arm to hit the table top loudly. We both immediately start working on our lab as if nothing had happened.
Trying to control my breathing I begin to work on the lab and collect myself. Our exchange only lasted the shortest of moments but no one seemed to have noticed minus the clang his arm made. An unspoken truce seems to have been made as we play catch up, and by we I mean me. Ryan stares at his instructions like he hasn’t been in the class all year.
“Grab the saline solution over there Tog” pointing to the small stopper.
“I know what to do and don’t talk to me Cof. Let’s just get through this lab and then I’ll stain your useless face” as he reaches for the stopper like he knew what to do. The rest of the assignment goes fine as we start to near the end. Other groups have already finished and begin to trickle out for an early lunch. With less people I feel my guard coming back up. I know the buffoon won’t miss a chance with less eyes on us.
“Hey Michael hurry up and finish so we can go eat!” My best friend Adrian calls out as he walks out of the class. Can’t believe even he’s finished since he usually has to rely on me to finish our labs.
“Wouldn’t want your boyfriend to worry Cof” Ryan snickered poking his lips out at me.
“I’ll give you a dollar if you can read the name of the solution we are making” snickering as I get ready to light the Bunsen burner for our final step. Squeezing the striker again and again to get the flame going distracted me from the attack. Just before he struck I squeeze the striker at his hand causing sparks to rain down his open palm. Clenching his teeth, Ryan quickly pulled back his hand shaking it out. Without thinking I dropped the striker and snapped my fingers at his knee. Reacting just as quickly he kicked against my chair to create space but my fingers scraped down his leg leaving red burns. Unfortunately not enough to deal a permanent mark.
“Ryan what are you doing now! Your group is one of the last remaining and it seems Michael has taken care of most of the lab. You will finish writing up the lab to turn it in!” Ms. Felts stalked down the aisle to continue scolding the boy. Ryan fumed as he stood up to move his chair back, ignoring the fresh burns running down his shin. Fortunately for him I had finished the lab and he only needed to write the summary to turn it in. I quickly got my things together to leave.
“Here is our lab Ms Felts” grumbled Ryan as he walked up to turn in the assignment.
“Just because you do not like Mr Cof does not give you reason to disrupt my class Mr Tog. If you are paired up again I expect better from you.” Thinking quickly I walked up and put my hand on his back with my thumb on his neck. Burning him with my family mark.
“Oh we worked great together didn’t we Ryan?” I said beaming at him. “Just a little horse play but nothing we couldn’t handle to get the assignment done.” Ryan could only grit his teeth to the pain while staring daggers at me.
“Well run along to lunch boys” without a moments notice I was out the door. Ecstatic from my first victory against House Tog.