Plot Builder
I have always loved books and want to create my own worlds someday.
Giorgio Romero
2 min read
“Ok next time i'm paying for drinks, you sneaky gentlemen” Matt punches me on the shoulder.
Grinning back at him. “Don't get used to it princess, it was only a nice bonus. I’m back to ramen in a few weeks.” waving goodbye as i start the half mile walk back to my apartment. Whoever thought engineers were on par with lawyers and doctors can kick rocks for telling me that as a kid. If that were the...
3 min read
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Here’s to hoping some breathing technique can calm my nerves. Forcing my jaw to unclench as i continue my deep breathing. I’ve never worked so hard in my life for this opportunity.
“What in the shit box is going on here fingers?”
Closing my eyes and trying to keep my breathing going. Tom is the last person i need right now.
“Oh trying to teleport back to your s...
YA fiction
Oh Mai. How I can’t wait to see you. My thoughts race as fast as I can run with thoughts of her. Scenarios of our future life blur through the leaves and dappled light of the canopy. Dew from the ferns streaks my calves as I race down the path. Only a short window exists for me to see my goddess of the grove Mai, and today I’m behind schedule. I doubt she’ll be mad but I’ll be mad if I miss a mome...
5 min read
“Alright class I’m going to break you into pairs to work on this lab. I know you have partners but we are mixing it up just for today” groans immediately escaped the class. Mrs Felts immediately started back up while waving her hands for calm “relax it’s just for today since we have a few people missing and it’s good for you to work with others for a change”. Unfazed by the students protesting she...
“Wake up loser” the same voice I hear every morning and at the same time. I’d give truly anything to not have and annoying, nagging and ugly older sister.
“Call me ugly one more time”
Shiver ran across my skin at that remark. She’s so touchy in the morning and knows how much I hate being woken like this. I wonder how far away I’d need to get for it to stop working. Stretching as I look around f...
4 min read
Walking in the rain has always been one of my favorite things to do. Everything slows down and you feel like the only people in a space. While everyone is inside you get to experience places in near isolation, so i like to drive around to new places to experience this.
I was walking right down the middle of the street on a rainy afternoon. Some shops were open, and others had closed early. Just ...
6 min read
*heavy breathing* “if we get caught… we tell them the truth”
“But we agreed to lie” Tim agressively whispered.
“Tim we took it to far. We are literally hiding in a play house in someone backyard” i waved my hands around at the plastic walls of our shelter.
“And? Who cares dude we are almost home free. I say we hide out here for an hour and then casually walk out of here” Tim leaned back makin...
“Hey Pete did you hear that?”
Pete sighed. “Carl i swear if you farted i’ll kill you if i can grt out of this seat” Pete started shifting as if to find a good angle to push himself up.
“If i farted youd be dead by now” laughed Carl. “With great age come great power in the way of toxic waste”.
“Well spit it out then” Pete was definitely testy in his old age.
“Its a whole lot of nothin” a gen...
1 min read
Im a sucker for a warm spring day. The air smells fresh and slightly sweet. Breeze keeps you cool while the sun warms your skin. Makes you want to close your eyes and just breath. Just to slow down and let the anxiety drift away. To let your mind wonder and create worlds under the bow of tree branches. Bathed in a slight green from the sun shining through the leaves. Hiding your face just right so...
I'm dead is on repeat in my head. No matter how far or fast I run I can hear its talons behind me. A rainfall of knives on stone rings out behind me. If even one step is out of place I'm dead. A stitch rips my side and I can feel the pulse of my heart fighting back the screeching sound. If I could just make it outside maybe I can find a place to hide, but at this rate im doomed.
Pain flares in my...